Introduction - Design - Installation
Wn purc*asing t*e ne? FP841 >ou *a4e ac=uired a 3u/ti@c*anne/ 3icrop*onecinstru3ent pre@
a3p/i.ier o. *ig* c/ass t*at 3eets t*e de3ands o. t*e *o3e and pro.essiona/ studio.
A 3odu/ar designed unit1 t*e FP84 .eatures eig*t indi4idua/ c*anne/s o. pro.essiona/ =ua/it>
3icrop*one pre@a3p/i.ication in a so/id 2RK rack@3ountab/e .or3at. Fac* c*anne/ .eatures its
o?n /e4e/ contro/1 20dJ pad1 p*anto3 po?er1 /o?@cut S*ig*@pass) .i/ter1 p*ase re4erse1 and LF7
peak /e4e/ indicator. Fig*t pro.essiona/ co3bo connector inputs SdLR _ ef TS) are pro4ided on
t*e .ront pane/1 ?*i/st ba/anced dLR and unba/anced ef TS connectors can be .ound on t*e
rear pane/. Wnserts are a/so pro4ided .or eac* ot*er independent eig*t c*anne/s .or si3p/e inte@
gration o. additiona/ outboard e=uip3ent Snoise gates1 e8panders1 co3pressors1 etc.).
T*e FP84 a/so *as pro4ision .or t*e optiona/ insta//ation o. SM Pro Audio^s PR8WWA A7AT out@
put inter.ace Sask >our dea/er[). T*e PR8WWA can pro4ide users ?it* t*e abi/it> to output eig*t S8)
c*anne/s in A7AT optica/ /ig*t@pipe .or3at. T*e PR8WWA A7AT output board is per.ect .or users
?anting to inter.ace or add eig*t S8) additiona/ c*anne/s o. =ua/it> pre@a3p/i.ication to a 4ariet>
o. digita/ de4ices suc* as digita/ 3i8ers1 audio recording inter.aces1 etc.
2.1 High quality components and design
T*e p*i/osop*> be*ind SM Pro Audio products guarantees a no@co3pro3ise circuit design and
.au/t@to/erant co3ponent se/ection. A// SM Pro Audio products go t*roug* a rigorous p/anning and
production procedure .ro3 start to .inis*.
2.2 Inputs and outputs
A// inputs and outputs are secured .ir3/> to t*e e8terior c*assis *ousing t*us ensuring robust =ua/@
it> and con.idence under a// conditions.
gour SM Pro Audio FP84 ?as care.u//> packed in t*e .actor> and t*e packaging ?as designed to
protect t*e unit .ro3 roug* *and/ing. Ne4ert*e/ess1 ?e reco33end t*at >ou care.u//> e8a3ine t*e
packaging and its contents .or an> signs o. p*>sica/ da3age1 ?*ic* 3a> *a4e occurred in transit.
! If you happen to receive a damaged unit, please notify your dealer and the shipping company
3.1 What’s included in the box
gou s*ou/d *a4e t*e .o//o?ing inc/uded inside >our s*ipping bo8C
@ 1 8 FP84 Mu/ti@c*anne/ 3icrop*one prea3p/i.ier
@ 1 8 Po?er cab/e
@ 1 8 Uperationa/ user guide St*e one >ou are reading[)
3.2 Rack-mount installation
T*e SM Pro Audio FP84 can be used stand a/one on >our desktop1 *o?e4er it is best insta//ed into
ht?of standard 19f co3patib/e audio rack@3ount unit spaces.
P/ease re3o4e a// cab/es Sinc/uding po?er) be.ore insta//ing t*e FP84 into >our audio rack.
Sturd> rack 3ounting ears are present on eac* side o. t*e FP84^s .ront pane/. Si3p/> 3ount t*e
FP84 into an a4ai/ab/e 2 rack@space position and secure ?it* rack@3ount bo/tscscre?s.
Summary of Contents for EP84
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