To reduce t*e risk o. e/ectrica/ s*ock1 do not re3o4e t*e co4er or rear pane/ o. t*is unit.
7o not e8pose t*is app/iance to rain or 3oisture. No user ser4iceab/e parts inside.
P/ease re.er ser4icing to =ua/i.ied personne/ on/>.
Retain Instructions:
P/ease retain a// sa.et> and operating instructions .or .uture re.erence.
7o not i3pede t*e ./o? o. air t*roug* t*e 4enti/ation openings. Take care ?*en se/ecting appropri@
ate insta//ation /ocations so obstac/es do not obscure proper 4enti/ation.
T*is product s*ou/d be situated a?a> .ro3 ot*er *eat sources suc* as .ire1 *ig* *eat e3itting
de4ices1 *eaters1 etc.
Power Source:
Make sure t*e product is set to t*e correct 4o/tage .or t*e /ocation in ?*ic* it is being used.
Grounding and Polari>ation:
Ne4er de.eat t*e products po?er grounding 3eans.
Power-Cord Protection:
Po?er supp/> cords s*ou/d be connected or p/aced in a .as*ion t*at cou/d a//o? possib/e e8posure
to da3age. Take care to a4oid ?ear and tear1 rubbing1 s=uas*ing1 etc.
T*e product s*ou/d be c/eaned on/> ?it* a so.t c/ot*. 7o not use an> corrosi4e products on t*e unit.
T*e po?er cord o. t*e product s*ou/d be unp/ugged .ro3 t*e out/et ?*en /e.t unused .or a /ong
period o. ti3e.
Service requirement:
Ser4ice b> =ua/i.ied ser4ice personne/ ?*enC
@ T*e po?er supp/> cab/e *as been da3aged in an> ?a>
@ Li=uid *as been spi//ed onto or into t*e product
@ T*e product *as been e8posed to rain
@ T*e product e8*ibits .au/ts or ob4ious per.or3ance degradation
@ T*e product *as been da3aged in a ?a> t*at e8poses co3ponents
T*e user s*ou/d not atte3pt to ser4ice t*is product be>ond ?*at is described in t*is operating
3anua/. A// ot*er ser4icing s*ou/d be re.erred to =ua/i.ied ser4ice personne/.
Summary of Contents for EP84
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