)eatures - )oreword
EP84 Main )eatures
T*e FP84 is a pro.essiona/ 3u/ti@c*anne/ 3icrop*one prea3p/i.ier .eaturingC
@ 8 8 discrete 3icrop*one prea3p/i.iers
@ Modu/ar PCJ design
@ K/tra@?ide d>na3ic range
@ Lo?@noise operating Le4e/s
@ L 48V P*anto3 po?er per c*anne/
@ @20dJ PA7 per c*anne/
@ P*ase re4erse per c*anne/
@ Pain contro/ per c*anne/
@ Peak LF7 indicator per c*anne/
@ 80 QR /o?@cut S*ig*@pass) .i/ter per c*anne/
@ Uptiona/ A7AT inter.ace a4ai/ab/e SPR8WWA)
7ear Custo3er1
Xirst/>1 ?e ?ou/d /ike to t*ank >ou .or purc*asing our FP84 3u/ti@c*anne/ 3icrop*one pre@a3p/i.ier.
Yit* 3uc* t*oug*t and e..ort1 our engineers *a4e de4e/oped a product ?e kno? >ou ?i// be
satis.ied ?it*. Ye a/?a>s guarantee >ou unco3pro3ising =ua/it> as ?e// as e8ce//ent audio
properties at an a..ordab/e price.
P/ease read t*is 3anua/ t*oroug*/> to best understand t*e sa.et> and operationa/ procedures
o. t*e FP84.
SM ProAudio
! It should be pointed out, that extreme output volumes may damage your ears and/or your head-
phone units. Turn down the LEVEL controls before you switch on the unit.
Summary of Contents for EP84
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