Electrical Installation
1. Panel Power supply cable Part# 151090-020 - 2m
2. SCU Power supply cable Part# 151371-025 - 2,5m
3. GPS Receiver Part# 321711 - 10m
4. Reverse detection cable Part# 151375-100 - 10m
4b. Reverse Solenoid Interface Part# 151380
5. Encoder cable Part# 151271-015 - 1,5m
Encoder cable Part# 151271-030 - 3m
6. FCU harness Part# 151272 - 0,6m+3m
7. SCU-FCU cable Part# 151370-040 - 4m
SCU-FCU cable Part# 151370-070 - 7m
SCU-FCU cable Part# 151370-100 - 10m
SCU-FCU cable Part# 151370-150 - 15m
SCU-FCU cable Part# 151370-200 - 20m
SCU-FCU cable Part# 151370-250 - 25m
SCU-FCU cable Part# 151370-300 - 30m
8. VFD BUS cable Part# 160311-050 - 5m
9. PHC-3 X1 Harness Part# 151470-1
10. Pump power cable Part# 10 2371 (24v)
Pump power cable Part# 10 2357 (hyd)
If installing S-link products DO NOT connect any other control equipment to the S-link controlled products except Side-Power original S-link
products or via a Side-Power supplied interface product made for interfacing with other controls. Any attempt to directly control or at all
connect into the S-link control system without the designated and approved interface will render all warranties and responsibilities for the
complete line of Side-Power products connected void and null. If you are interfacing by agreement with Sleipner and through a designated
Side-Power supplied interface, you are still required to also install at least one original Side-Power control panel to enable effi cient
troubleshooting if necessary.