• Ensure that you know the location of the main battery switch that disonnects the thruster from
all power sources (batteries) so that the thruster can be turned off in case of a malfunction.
• If a Sidepower automatic main switch is fi tted, the “OFF” button on your transmitter will shut off
the main switch providing no other control panels are “ON”.
• How to activate the system
Turn on the main power source for the thruster system. Turn on the power to the receiver.
The thruster system is then activated by pushing the two “ON” buttons on the transmitter (see
page 9). To turn of the radio remote control push the “OFF” button on the transmitter.
• ‘Auto-Off’ after appr. 4 minutes for safety reasons
When using a single transmitter
The system turns off automatically appr. 4 minutes after the last usage.
When using more than one transmitter or additional ‘radio-link’ control panels
The system turns off automatically appr. 4 minutes after the last usage of the control unit that
initially activated the system even if other control units have been operated in the meantime.
The system is off even if these other control units still show the blinking LED on the transmitter.
To use these transmitters, the system must be activated again by pushing the two “ON” but-
• Remember to turn off the radio remote control by pushing the “OFF” button on the transmitter
and to turn off the power switch for the receiver when you have fi nished your maneuvering.
• The maximum continues usage time of the electrical thruster is approx. 3 minutes. The electro
motor has a built in thermal cut-off switch that will shut it off when overheating and re-engage it
when it has cooled down some. This should be considered when planning your manouvering.
• Never use a thruster close to somebody in the water, as the thruster will draw objects close by
into the tunnel and contact with the rotating propellers will cause serious injuries.
• Never run a thruster for more that one second when the boat is not in the water, as this can
damage the electromotor seriously.
• If the thruster stops giving thrust while the electromotor is running, chances are that there is a
problem in the drive-system. You must then immediately stop trying to run it, and turn it off, as
running the electromotor for more than a few seconds without resistance from the propeller,
can cause serious damage to the electromotor.
• When leaving the boat always turn off the main power switch for the thruster and turn off the
power to the receiver.
• We advice to always keep the main engine(s) running while using a thruster. This will keep the
batteries in a good charge condition. This will also give better performance to the thruster, as a
higher voltage at the thruster results in a higher torque (power) in the electromotor.
• Make sure that only one control is used at the same time, if two panels are operated in oppo-
site directions at the same time the thruster will not run at all. If they are operated in the same
direction the thruster will run in this direction.
Installation & User Manual, Radio Remote 8985/8986
Page 9
Important user precautions