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itself to one of the four time zones stated above. For time zones outside of PT, MT, CT or 
ET you must manually set the time using the Manual Time set button on the back of the 
The Skyscan clock is designed for indoor or outdoor use. For indoor locations, select a 
location to place your radio-controlled clock where it will be at least six feet away from a 
TV, computer, air conditioner or other household electrical appliances. The optimal 
location is near a window. Windows facing Colorado provide the best signal. For outdoor 
locations, select a location sheltered from direct sunlight, preferably under a roof or porch 
area, and facing Colorado for better reception of the WWVB signal. Although the clock's 
case is weather resistant, it is not waterproof. Avoid exposing the clock directly to 
sunlight, rain, snow or extreme weather conditions (recommended operating temperature 
range is between 23QFto 131QF) as it may cause damage and the clock will malfunction. 
Note: High humidity combined with a hot sunny day and a cool night may also cause 
water to condense on the inside surface of the lens. The lens will clear up as soon as the 
weather is stabilized. This water condensation does not interfere with the function of the 
The WWVB time signal will easily penetrate masonry and wood framed buildings. 
WWVB will penetrate almost every residential building and most steel buildings if they 
have adequate windows. It is not possible, however, for WWVB to penetrate most indoor 
shopping malls and rooms in the center of large office buildings that do not have 
windows. In buildings that WWVB cannot penetrate, you may set the time using the 
manual time set button. When the clock receives the WWVB signal it will automatically 
set the hands to the exact time. 
Skyscan clocks do not receive or process radio controlled time signals from Germany's 
DCF 77, Japan's J Ga AS, or England's MSFs atomically regulated transmitters. Skyscan 
clocks can be manually set and used anywhere. 

For more information 




and radio controlled time, see




In some cases, the Skyscan clock may not receive the WWVB signal due to atmospheric 
disturbances or hard to reach locations such as inside malls. In this case, please use the 
Manual Time Set button, located at the back of the clock to manually set the time. To do 

Press and hold the Manual Set button. 


The minutes and hour hands will fast-forward. 


Keep holding the Manual Set button until the time is set as required. 


Release the button. 

