User Guide to ST8050
ST8050UG001 – User Guide
Revision 2.0
Activating and provisioning the modem
Each ST8050 must be provisioned and activated on the network(s) supported by the modem. The
customer is responsible for activating and provisioning the modem(s). The following information is
required for provisioning and activation.
GPRS SIM cards may be activated using any GSM/GPRS provider with an applicable data plan. The
data plan must use APN addressing for the modem and must support data transfer. For example, T-
Mobile APN address is “”. Different networks have their own
requirements for APN addressing, usernames and passwords. Please consult the appropriate airtime
reseller for more information on using the GPRS network. Be sure to configure the APN address and
the SMTP and POP QCFG parameters if GPRS will be used.
The modem has an IMEI number for activation with the Iridium network. This number is located on
the modem’s white label.
The IMEI number must be activated with Iridium or an airtime reseller before the modem can be
used. If a message is sent without the modem being activated, it is ignored by the Iridium network.
For this reason, it is possible to develop and send live messages without the modem being “turned
off” by the network.
There are several ways the modem can be provisioned with Iridium. It can be provisioned:
With one to five email/ID addresses. Each modem-originated message is sent to all the
email addresses with which the modem is provisioned.
If you want to specify which of the (one to five) email addresses should receive the
message you can implement your own system for directing email:
Have the modem send the message to a server.
The server reads the email contents and directs the emails to different addresses
depending on a byte in the message contents. .
To work with Iridium’s Direct IP gateway. Messages are sent directly to and from the
server(s) of the customer’s backend over a TCP connection.
To send messages to another Short Burst Data modem with an IMEI number or to itself (for
testing purposes).
To receive Geodata and Ring Alerts.
Geodata is an estimate of the latitude and longitude of the modem.
Ring Alerts provide notification when there are mobile terminated messages waiting
for the modem.