Slice de
7 - Loosen the
xing screws and remove the slice de
Blade cover
8 - Loosen the blade cover fastener handle rota ng it counterclockwise.
9 - Push the handle in the direc on of the blade.
10 - Li the blade cover.
Once removed the blade cover, an interlocking device stops the rota
on of the
During the cleaning of the blade, be careful of any accidental contact with the
11 - Mop up the front side of the blade with a dampen cloth and move slowly from the
centre to the edge of the blade, as shown by the arrow in the picture.
12 - Clean in the same way the back side of the blade.
13 - Dry with a cloth both sides of the blade.
14 - A er cleaning,
x the blade cover.
15 - Insert the fastener and screw to block the blade cover.
Clean all the pieces in warm water and washing-up liquid. Rinse them with hot water and
dry them.
Assemble the machine following in reverse the procedure described above.
Sani ze all the removable parts and the slicer.
•Wash hands. In a clean basin or sing, in a solu on of clean warm water and correctly dilu-
ted sani zing solu on soak and wash the removable parts. Re- move the parts from the
Blade cleaning
basin or sing and allow them to air dry.
•Wipe the slicer with correctly diluted sani zing solu on.
•Press a damp cloth slightly moistened with water and cor- rectly diluted sani zing solu on
on the front side of the knife and move slowly from the centre to- wards the edge; avoid
excess of liquid.
•Insert a damp cloth betwe- en the blade and the protec on ring. Pull it outwards and
rotate it to clean the internal side of the blade cover ring.
•Rotate the index control knob on zero (0) posi on and wipe the gauge plate star ng at the
blade and moving slowly outwards.
•Install the carriage tray as- sembly and ghten the carriage tray knob.
•Install the knife sharpening asssembly.
•Install the knife cover.
•Install the knife cover knob and secure the knife cover.
Inspect that the slicer is working properly and in good condi on before each use or at least
every six months.
If the slicer is not func oning pro- perly DO NOT USE IT. Have the equipment serviced by
an authorized SKYFOOD service agency. The sealed parts showed below Fig. 1, 2 have to be
inspected at least every six months.
The inspec ons have to be made by one of our authorized service agent.
It is mandatory to remove slicer from service un l repaired by our authorized service agent
if any seal is found to be damaged.
•The sani zer concentra- on shall comply with Sec on 4-501.114, Manual and Mecha-
nical Ware washing Equipment, Chemical Sani za on – Tem- perature, pH, Concentra on,
and Hardness of the FDA Food Code.
•If a chemical sani zer other than chlorine, iodine or quater- nary ammonium is used, it
shall be applied in accordance with EPA-registered label use in- struc ons.
•This slicer shall be cleaned and sani zed at intervals to comply with na onal, state and/