* Instalación – Veri
que la instalación de su equipo de acuerdo con el ítem 2.1 de este
* La vida de servicio - 2 años para la jornada de trabajo normal
1. Veri
caciones a ejecutar mensualmente :
car la instalación eléctrica.
Controlar la tensión de la toma eléctrica
Medir la corriente eléctrica y compararla con la corriente nominal
car el aprieto de todos los terminales eléctricos para evitar malos contactos .
car posibles a
ojamientos del eje del motor eléctrico
Controlar el cableado eléctrico para iden
car señales de sobrecalentamiento, aislamiento
ciente o avería mecánica .
2. Veri
caciones a ejecutar cada tres meses :
car los componentes eléctricos como la llave prende/desliga, botón de emergencia,
botón rearme, y circuitos electrónicos con respecto a sobrecalentamiento, aislamiento
ciente o avería mecánica .
car posibles holguras en los ejes y rodamientos .
car retenedores, anillos O'ring , anillos V'ring, y otros sistemas de vedamiento
8. Consejos Generales
- Do not wear loose
ng clothes while opera ng the unit. Do not use bracelets or any
other piece of jewelry. Have your hair always shortened and held up (use hair
shnets if
necessary) in a way it cannot reach any part of the machine. Roll up any loose sleeves.
- SKYFOOD is not responsible for any harm or injury caused by the negligent or inappropriate
use of this equipment by any operator. This equipment must be operated only by persons
whose age equals or exceeds 18 years old, in a safe and sound state of mind, free from the
uence of any kind of drugs and alcohol, that received proper training and instruc ons
regarding the correct opera on of this machine, that are wearing correct and authorized
safety clothes. All and any kind of modi
ca ons carried on and applied to this machine
immediately nulli
es any kind of warranty and may result in harm and injuries to the
individuals opera ng this machine and to individuals that are located in the machine
surrounding areas while it is being operated.
- Under no circunstances place your hands in the moving parts of the machine while it
is being used. Make sure the machine has come to a complete stop before acessing the
processed ingredients.
The following safety instruc ons are addressed to both the operator of the machine as
well as the person in charge of maintenance.
The machine has to be delivered only in perfect condi ons of use by the Distributor to the
user. The user shall operate the machine only a er being well acquainted with the safety
procedures described in the present manual. READ THIS MANUAL WITH ATTENTION.
4.1 Basic Opera on Prac ces
4.1.1 Dangers
Some areas of the electric device have parts that are connected or have parts connected
to high voltage. These parts when touched may cause severe electrical shocks or even be
Never touch manual commands such as switches, bu ons, turning keys and knobs with
your hands wearing wet clothes and/or wet shoes. By not following these instruc ons
operator could be exposed to severe electrical shocks or even to a lethal situa on.
4.1.2 Warnings
* The operator has to be well familiar with the posi on of ON/OFF Switch to make sure the
Switch is easy to be reached when necessary.
* Before any kind of maintenance, physically remove plug from the socket.
* Provide space for a comfortable opera on thus avoiding accidents.
* Water or oil spilled on the
oor will turn it slippery and dangerous. Make sure the
is clean and dry.
* Before using any commands (switch, bu ons, lever), be sure it is the correct one. In case
of doubt, consult this manual.
* Never touch any manual commands (switch, bu ons, lever) unadvisedly.
* If any work is to be made by two or more persons, coordina on signs will have to be
given for each opera on step. Every step of the opera on shall be taken only if a sign has
been made and responded.
4.1.3 Advices
* In case of power shortage, immediately switch the machine o
* Use recommended or equivalent lubricants, oils or greases.
* Avoid mechanical shocks, once they may cause damages or bad func oning.
* Avoid water, dirt or dust contact to the mechanical and electrical components of the
* DO NOT change the standard characteris cs of the machine.
* DO NOT remove, tear o
or maculate any safety or iden
ca on labels stuck on the
If any recommenda on is not applicable to your equipment, please ignore it.
4. General Safety Prac ces