All information and data contained in this document are the exclusive property of SKIPLY SAS and may neither be used nor disclosed
without its prior written consent.
~ 12 ~
10. Manual Reset
To restart the Smilio S, without reset of counters, the user has to activate the magnetic sensor and at
the same time press one of the five buttons. For more details about the reset sequence, please refer to
the paragraph 9.1.
To activate the magnetic sensor, place the magnetic badge as describe on the picture
below and press quickly one of the five buttons.
Restart Smilio S can be useful for:
a new “Join” process. This process is useful if you change the location of the Smilio
. During the “LoRaWAN Join” process, the radio parameters are exchanged between the
backend and the device: Channels, Spreadfactor (SF), etc…
Making a new join and a downlink process in Sigfox®.
Restart the Smilio S without opening the battery lid.
11. Hard-Reset
To make a Hard Reset, press the push button next to the
battery’s holders. During the hard-reset
process, counters are reset to zero.
Restart Smilio S can be useful for:
a new “Join” process. This process is useful if you change the location of the Smilio
. During the “LoRaWAN Join” process, the radio parameters are exchanged between the
backend and the device: Channels, Spreadfactor (SF), etc…
Making a new join and a downlink process in Sigfox®
12. Buttons configuration
Hard Reset
push button
1 =
button 1 = AAAA incremental counter
2 =
button 2 = BBBB incremental counter
3 =
button 3 = CCCC incremental counter
4 =
button 4 = DDDD incremental counter
5 =
button 5 = EEEE incremental counter