3.2 Construction
The VTEC unit is a modular lubrication sys-
tem comprising up to 8 different modules.
The unit is mounted on a standard fixing rail.
Figure 1 shows one model of a VTEC unit
with 7 different modules. Every module has
a base with different functions.
This is a front side view with the com-
pressed air and lubricant inlets on the left
The VTEC unit has one lubricant inlet with
quick-release connector, and two com-
pressed air inlet with quick-release
But only one air inlet port is used, the oth-
er being closed with a screw plug. The lower
air inlet port is used when the first module
has a “i” base (with a general air solenoid
valve). The upper inlet port is used with ev-
ery other bases.
Except the “I” base, with the general air
solenoid valve, all other bases work in the
same way.
Every module has on the top an outlet
port for coaxial hose air and lubricant with
two quick-release connectors. The quick-re-
lease connector for the capillary tube (lubri-
cant) is located beneath the quick-release
connector for the outer tube (air). The user
can set the carrier air pressure with a pres-
sure regulator. The air flow can be monitored
either with a manometer or with a pressure
A pneumatic micropump is mounted un-
der every module. The user can adjust the
flow rate of the pump with metering rings or
with a thumb wheel.
A module can have up to three different
additional equipments on the front side:
• a pneumatic pulse generator to adjust the
delivery frequency of the micropump
• an air solenoid valve to control the air inlet
for the pneumatic micropump.
• a flow sensor, type GS304P, to monitor
the oil flow of the module.
Every module can have one, two or three
of the equipment, and even none. According
to the equipment a module is “slave” or