Fuel / Oil Spillage
The spilling of fuel or oil into our waterways contaminates the environment and is dangerous to wildlife. Do not
discharge or dispose of fuel, oil or other chemicals into the water; it is prohibited and you can be fined. These
are two common, accidental types of discharge:
• Overfilling the fuel tanks
• Pumping contaminated bilge water
Discharge/Disposal of Waste
Waste means all forms of garbage, plastics, recyclables, food, wood, detergents, sewage and even fish parts in
certain waters – in short, nearly everything. We recommend you bring back everything you take out with you for
proper disposal ashore.
Use an approved pump-out facility at your marina. Many areas prohibit the discharge of sewage overboard or
even an operable overboard waste discharge.
Fumes from rags can collect in the bilge and be extremely hazardous. Do not
store rags used to wipe up fuel or solvent spills in the boat. Dispose of rags
properly ashore.
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