62 82 839 D3492
02 01.2016
2 Disinfect the prismatic tube of the CEREC Bluecam with the HLD set.
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operating instructions for CEREC Bluecam and CEREC Omnicam Care and HLD (high-level disinfection)
Disinfect the prismatic tube of the CEREC
Bluecam with the HLD set.
Fragment: no water in camera
The complete process for high-level disinfection (HLD) is as follows:
Cleaning the camera
➢ Cleaning process after using the CEREC Bluecam Camera: Wipe the
camera with the appropriate prismatic tube so that the superficial
impurities cannot harden and stick to the surface of the prismatic
tube. Use a lint-free cloth as listed below which has first been soaked
in one of the cleaning products.
Agent approved for USA/not approved for USA
Not approved in the USA
Approved in the USA
Rinsing the exterior of the prismatic tube
➢ Rinse the exterior of the prismatic tube.
Make sure that no water gets into the camera when rinsing the prismatic
● Minuten Spray classic
● Minuten Wipes
● Plasti Sept
● Plasti Sept Wipes
● Pursept-A
● FD 312
Kerr Corporation
● CaviCide
● Cavi Wipes