(11) MSCU Installation
At first, MSCU CABLE COVER assembled at MUSC must be disjointed
< Fig 7-11a >
After you connect it with two VIBROISOLATION Bolts, M10 x 25L in the front side of BASE FRAME, you
can push MUSC in a hole.
< Fig 7-11b >
The Connectors which are outside of the front of the main body and backside of MSCU should be
connected according to their shapes. After that, HANDLE UNIT USB CABLE, DVI CABLE can be
connected. After opening AC UNIT and SIDE COVER as in Fig 7-11c, Fig 7-11d, you can connect it with
the front side of BASE FRAME by VIBRISOLATION BOLT, M10 x 25L and M10 NUT. EARTH CABLE
can be connected as in Fig 7-11e.