For depth below transducer, set the offset to 0.
Water speed calibration
Water speed calibration is used to adjust the speed value from the
paddle wheel to match the actual boat speed through the water.
Actual speed can be determined from GPS speed over ground
(SOG) or by timing the boat over a known distance. Water speed
calibration should be performed in calm conditions, with minimal
wind and current movement.
Increase this value above 100 % if the paddle wheel is under
reading, and decrease this value if it is over reading. For example, if
the average water speed reads 8.5 knots (9.8 MPH) and SOG records
10 knots (11.5 MPH) the calibration value needs to be increased to
117 %. To calculate the adjustment, divide the SOG by the
paddlewheel speed, and multiply the product by 100.
Calibration range: 50-200 %. Default is 100 %.
Water speed averaging
Averages water speed by measuring your speed at a selected
interval of time. Water speed intervals range from one to thirty
seconds. For example if you select five seconds, your displayed
water speed will be based on averaging over 5 seconds of sampling.
Calibration range: 1-30 seconds. Default is 1 second.
Water temperature calibration
Temperature calibration is used to adjust the water temperature
value from the transducer. It may be required to correct for localized
influences to the measured temperature.
Calibration range: -9.9° - +9.9°. Default is 0°.
Water temperature calibration only appears if the
transducer is temperature capable.
Transducer type
The transducer type is automatically set for transducers
that support Transducer ID (XID) and is not user selectable.
Transducer type is used for selecting the transducer model
connected to the sonar module. The transducer selected will
determine what frequencies the user can select during sonar
operation. In some transducers with built-in temperature sensors,
System setup
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