How to use this file...(Dealer Setup & Adjustment Guides)
Instructions for
Print Vendors (Paper Manuals)
Paper Size:
* 8-1/2 x 11
* Body—50 lbs brilliant white offset or equivalent.
P r e s s :
* Body—1-color, 2-sided
* 3-Hole Drill (Dealer Setup Guides must ALWAYS be 3-Hole Drilled!)
• UL Corner Stitch (Unless being prined as part of a “complete” set of Guides with Tabs).
C O V E R S :
* This document is a self-covered piece.
• Check the front cover for the individual document number (a TP 300-XXXX-XX-XX-SMA number).
B O D Y :
* REMEMBER: ODD number pages are ALWAYS right hand pages, and EVEN number are ALWAYS
left hand pages.
G e n e r a l :
* This instruction page is NOT part of the manual and must NOT be printed.
• Pages labeled with the text “THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK” are placement pages ONLY,
and should NOT be printed.