9 System Test Procedures
This section describes the system tests that can be performed from the front panel of the FACP.
9.1 WalkTest™ Overview
WalkTest allows the function of the system's initiating devices and signals to be tested by a single person. Conducting a WalkTest requires
you to perform the following steps.
Create WalkTest Groups.
The FACP supports up to eight WalkTest groups. This allows the building to be divided into small portions for the WalkTest, while the rest
of the building is protected by the fire alarm panel. Each group has a list of control points (initiating devices) and a list of the signal circuits
that activate when one of the group's control points activates.Refer to the
ES Panel Programmer’s Manual
(574-849) for information on
adding control points (initiating devices) and signals/relays to a WalkTest group.
Enable WalkTest Options from Front Panel.
These options include the following:
• Which WalkTest Group is enabled.
• Whether the group's signals turn on when a control point in the same group activates. Turn this option on (along with the WalkTest
logging option) to perform a silent WalkTest on the system.
• Whether logging of WalkTest information is enabled or not. Enable this option to perform a silent WalkTest. Refer to the "Setting
WalkTest Options" later in this section for information on setting these options.
Manually Activate Initiating Devices in Each Group and Interpret Signals.
Individually activate each initiating device in the group, using a magnet or canned smoke. Make sure to proceed in a logical manner (i.e.,
start with the lowest IDNet or MAPNET address and work toward the highest). Each time you activate an initiating device, the system's
signals pulse a code that allows you to verify exactly which initiating device triggered the signals. For hardwired monitor zones, the
signal code corresponds to the number of the zone. (For example, if the zone number is eight, the signals pulse eight times to indicate
zone eight.) For IDNet and MAPNET devices, the first set of pulses from the signals correspond to the channel. The signals then pause
momentarily and the second set of pulses correspond to the number of the device on the channel. For example, if you activate an IDNet
smoke detector with an address of M1-25, the signals would sound once to indicate channel one, pause for a short duration, and then
sound 25 times indicate device 25.In some cases, immediately after verifying the function of an initiating device, you may also want to verify
its ability to generate a trouble condition. To do this, cause a trouble on the device (i.e., remove the sensor from a TrueAlarm device), and
then listen to the signals. The signals sound steady for 4 seconds to indicate trouble conditions, then reset
9.2 Important Notes
Signals and initiating devices (with the exception of pull stations) automatically acknowledge and automatically reset, allowing for one-man
testing without the need for someone at the main control panel to acknowledge and reset the system each time an initiating device and its
associated signals activate.
A silent WalkTest may be performed (no signals will sound) and logging of events may be selected. Refer to "Setting WalkTest Options" in
this chapter for additional information.
If an alarm condition is detected from a zone that is not in the present active WalkTest group, the system will operate as a fire alarm panel
and the active WalkTest groups are aborted.
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579-685 Rev. D
InfoAlarm Operator’s Manual 4100U, 4100ES, 4010ES