Operating Instructions for the Palm LDB Version 1.40
Version: June 2004
If you use the same serial interface for the ConfigDevice and the HotSync
station, conflicts can arise in the communication.
You can remedy this problem as follows:
Deactivate the serial interface in the locking plan software on the PC
Options Comport
) before each HotSync process.
After the successful transmission, exit the HotSync Manager, if necessary,
and activate the serial interface in the locking plan software. Then you
can work with the ConfigDevice.
Checking and Repairing the Database
If the Palm crashes during programming or before import of the data to the
locking plan software, you can check the data records and repair them.
Lockings with defective data records are not
included in the subsequent import to the locking
plan software, so that you must reprogram these
lockings or read them again.
In the menu bar, touch
Administer locking
systems Database Check
and follow the
PalmLDB instructions.