Installation: Quick User Guide
Fine adjustment knobs
The mechanical adjustments have the following effects on picture (refer to numbers on
drawing below).
Adjusting knob number 1: turn clockwise to raise (or counterclockwise it to lower) the
front-left corner of internal projector.
Adjusting knob number 2: turn clockwise to raise (or counterclockwise it to lower) the
front-right corner of internal projector.
Adjusting knob number 3: turn clockwise to raise (or counterclockwise it to lower) the
rear side of internal projector.
Adjusting knob number 4: turn counterclockwise to turn the whole internal projector
clockwise; turn clockwise to turn the whole projector counterclockwise.
Adjusting knob number 5: turn clockwise to turn the whole internal projector clockwise;
turn counterclockwise to turn the whole projector counterclockwise.
: we suggest to perform the regulation by doing small adjustments of the
knobs; being SIM2 XTV 4K INV an Ultra Short Throw model, small movements of the
projector cause large shifts in the picture, which are more evident in the top of the image.
For this reason, we suggest to adjust the lower border first (it has to be horizontal and
centered to the screen, if present); then adjust the high parts of the image.
To easily adjust the picture we suggest to use the internal test patterns, available in the
User’s menu
In case a projection screen with a black frame is used, we suggest to adjust the picture to
obtain a small over scanning; this is possible by adjusting the position of the furniture in
respect to the screen (outdistance to enlarge) or by turning clockwise knobs number 4
and 5 contemporaneously and by the same amount of steps.