Operation Manual
1. Introduction
The S15 is a Class-D Digital Selective Calling (DSC) VHF marine transceiver
with built in GPS capability (position, waypoints, course and speed over the
ground) if connected with GPS input from either a GPS navigator or smart
antenna. The S15 also has full NAVTEX message display capability when
interfaced with a suitable NAVTEX antenna/receiver unit. The transceiver is a
25-watt, frequency modulated waterproof transmitter/receiver for applications
in the 156.025 - 162.550MHz band.
The S15 supports the latest GMDSS requirement for non-SOLAS vessels
from the international maritime organization (IMO).
The S15 will enable you to make digitally selected calls, which are quicker
and simpler to make then conventional voice calls using channel 16. Should
a distress urgency or safety situation occur, with the S15 you can quickly
raise an alert, indicating your identity, your position and automatically
establish distress communication on the emergency voice channel.
The S15 will display
received NAVTEX messages and the ID of received
messages from the NAVTEX receiver. NAVTEX is a worldwide coastal telex
broadcast system. The broadcast stations transmit navigational warning,
meteorological warnings, Search And Rescue (SAR) information and other
data for ships sailing within their service range.
If the S15 is connected with a GPS, it will also display your vessels position
and Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and it can also give you the COG
(Course Over Ground), SOG (Speed Over Ground), BTW (Bearing To
Waypoint) and DTW (Distance To Waypoint) of your vessel.
Silva operates a policy of continual development and reserves the right to
alter and improve the specification of their products without notice.