Display and control elements
Date: 12.05.2020
Art. No. 90304
Mod. status 110/20
Page 6 of 44
The buttons can be used to select various functions and to adapt the device parameters of the
application stored in non-volatile memory. The actual value can be queried via the interface,
the target value can be changed and all device parameters can be adjusted.
Switching on the operating voltage
The AP10S will be initialized after switching on the supply voltage. A system and display test
is executed during initialization, the LEDs are lighted consecutively and the parameters are
loaded from the non-volatile memory into the RAM of the controller.
At first use, the default values are used during initialization. After the return of the external
power supply or software reset (warm start), the AP10S works with the last saved parameters.
If no fault has been detected, the AP10S starts normal operation and can communicate with
an IO-Link Master.
Display and control elements
The position indicator has a two-line display with special characters and three control keys.
The actuator can be configured and controlled via the keys.
Two LEDs (LED1, LED2) serve for monitoring positioning.
Fig. 1: Display and control elements
LCD - Anzeige
The display range is limited to -199999 … 999999. Values outside this
range are displayed with "
When the operating voltage is applied, the actual value (absolute position value, ActualValue)
is displayed in the first line. If there is no valid target value, "
" appears in the second
line. If a target value is declared valid by means of the control bit in the process data (see e.
), this is displayed in the 2
line. The values displayed are
determined by the operating mode.
Direction indicators (arrows) support positioning.
The battery symbol
is shown with a critical or insufficient battery status. If battery
voltage drops to a critical value, the battery symbol on the display will flash. If it falls below
the minimum value, the symbol will glow permanently.
Key configuration
Key calibration
Key incremental