The front end of tail fiber fixture
pressed on the inner layer of
white rubber
4.The bottom left corner of the machine shows a red box with a red dot in the middle -- this is a focus failure.
Wipe the lens with a cotton swab, clean the V slot, press the reset key on the far left of the machine and
replace the fiber.
R is shown in the lower left corner of the machine. -- -- this is the difference in the models of optical
fiber on both sides. The same type of optical fiber needs to be replaced.
1.The optical fiber has been placed, but the machine
indicates that the optical fiber is not in the slot -- -- one
case is that the fixture is not reset, press the reset key
on the left side of the machine and then reset the
optical fiber. The other is that when the tail fiber is
placed, the inner white coat of the tail fiber without
fixture , which causes the fiber to shrink back.On this
occasion, you need reset the fiber and press it on the
front end of the white rubber.
After putting the optical fiber in the normal position, the machine suggests that the optical fiber is placed
too long -- -- the first situation is that the machine changes from a colder environment to a warmer
environment, the surface of the glass lens is prone to a layer of water mist, which leads to the camera can
not normally identify the optical fiber and error. All you need to do is wipe the lens with a clean cotton swab
or blow the cool air from a hair dryer into the lens. There is also a case where the lens is dusty and you can
see black spots on the screen, so you need to wipe the lens with a cotton swab (the X lens is near the
heating tank, and the Y lens is near the display).
3.After fiber is aligned, do not fuse automatically, need to press the triangle button to fuse on - - the
machine also did not indicate that the cutting surface does not meet the requirements, which means the
welding suspend have been opened in the mobile phone software. If you don't need this function, connect
to the mobile APP (zhuoshizhangzh), and in the function settings of welding setting, close the
welding suspend and then save.
6.A screen image clearly and another plane image fuzzy, and through the reset and auto focus can't recover,
you need to manually adjust--open the phone APP and connected to the machine, then choose weld Settings,
operating mode, the factory core adjustment, return to select manual regulation, then choose fuzzy lens in
the top right, click the triangle to the left or right, manually adjust the focal length, return to run mode until it
clear, select normal mode. If you do not change back to normal mode, the fiber will not fuse after the promotion.