the incidence meter should read 0
of incidence. If it does not read
, adjust the center aluminum strut fittings - screwing them in or
out - as needed until the incidence meter reads 0
44) The two outer interplane wing struts are now mounted in
place. Before these struts can be bolted in place, you must first
align their pre-drilled holes in the top and bottom of the struts with
the holes in the aluminum strut fittings. Adjust these fittings in or
out until the interplane strut can be bolted in place without
applying any pressure to the wing or strut to align their holes. In
addition, use a ruler to check and make sure that the top and
bottom wings are the same distance apart at the wing tips. Bolt
the interplane struts in place with the eight (8) provided
M3 x 10mm PWA bolts.
45) Use the incidence meter to now measure the incidence of
the four wing panels at the inboard ends of each aileron. Again,
the incidence meter should read 0
of incidence at each location.
If the meter reads anything other than 0
then we have to find the
problem before flying the model. The most likely place to start is
by unbolting the interplane struts to see if a warp was induced
when the interplane struts were attached.
Highly unlikely but
possible is a warped wing from the factory. The wings are built and
covered in jigs at the factory and checked for warps before they are
packaged and shipped. If a warp is discovered, it can be easily
Twist the wing panel in the opposite direction of
the warp and carefully re-shrink the covering material on the
appropriate side of the wing panel. Continue holding the opposite
twist in the wing until the covering cools. You may have to repeat
this procedure until the warp is completely removed.
46) The two 2mm x 165mm aileron inter-connect drive wires are
now installed to drive the upper ailerons from the lower ailerons.
Use tape to hold the two upper ailerons in the neutral position.
Insert the Z-bend end of the inter-aileron drive wire into the nylon
inter-connect horn on the upper aileron. Turn the radio system on.
Thread the R/C link on the lower end of the rod up or down as
needed to fit easily into the hole in the nylon inter-connect horn on
the lower wing. Once satisfied, tighten the lock nut behind the R/C
link to lock the R/C link in this adjustment position. Repeat this
process on the opposite set of ailerons. Remove the tape holding
the upper ailerons centered and use the transmitter to check for
movement and centering of the now coupled ailerons.
This is an important section of this manual. After flying your SUN
DANCER 50 for a while and getting used to its characteristics, you
may wish to adjust the control throws to better suit your flying style.
But you have to start somewhere and this is where you begin.
These movements provided the SUN DANCER 50 with very
smooth control inputs without the immediate need for exponential.
We suggest starting out with these movements. You can easily
play with more control throw after you become comfortable with
the airplane.
In the case of the elevators and rudder, control
movements are always measured at the widest point of the control
3/8" Up – 3/8" Down
5/8" Up – 5/8" Down
3/4" Left – 3/4" Right
IMPORTANT: The control surfaces of your Sun Dancer 50 provide
very positive control response. We strongly recommend you do
not exceed these recommended throws on the first flight.
The decals provided with this kit are typical markings that might be
seen on a full size aerobatic airplane. They are not intended to be
a complete set of markings to duplicate any particular full size
aircraft. However, they look very realistic and believable when in
place. Use the various box art and assembly manual photos to
position the decals in the appropriate locations on your model.
Feel free to use all or only some of the decals in different locations
as you see fit.
These decals are made from adhesive-backed Mylar
- they are
NOT water-activated transfers. These decals are not die-cut and
must be cut from their sheets with a sharp #11 blade or scissors.
Trim as close to the image as possible.
We suggest the following procedure to accurately and neatly apply
the larger decals in this kit. Carefully cut out the decal and lift it off
of the sheet with tweezers. Use a product like SIG Pure Magic
Model Airplane Cleaner or Windex
to spray the general area of
the model that will receive the decal. Then spray the adhesive side
of the decal as well. Lightly position the decal in place on the
model. The liquid cleaner allows the decal to slide easily into the