Carefully mark this position on the bottom and top of the stabilizer,
then trim the covering to within 1/32" of your pencil marks to allow
maximum surface for gluing.
Re-install the stabilizer, centering it visually and use a pin or two
to hold it in place.
Now step back and view the stabilizer in
relationship to the fuselage and bottom wing. It should be square
and aligned, without leaning to one side or the other. If it is, use a
little sandpaper to adjust the stabilizer mounting plate until the
stabilizer sits flat and square.
28) Using slow cure epoxy (15 or 30 minute type), apply glue to
the exposed wood on the bottom center of the stabilizer and to the
exposed wood on the top of the stabilizer. Also apply glue to the
top and bottom wood in the fuselage stabilizer slot. Carefully slide
the stabilizer into the slot. The slow cure epoxy allows plenty of
time to now properly align the stabilizer to the fuselage. Again,
measure from the center of the firewall to the tips of the stabilizer.
View the airplane from the top, front and rear to make sure the
stabilizer is square with the fuselage and leveled with the bottom
wing. When satisfied, pin the stabilizer in place and wipe off any
excess epoxy that may have oozed out with a paper towel and
alcohol. Allow the glue to fully cure.
29) The elevator control horn is now mounted to the left inboard
elevator half. Measure 9" in from the tip of the elevator on the
bottom left side as shown. Use the Control Horn Drill Template to
mark the mounting holes for the control horn. Drill the two required
horn mounting holes with a 5/64" bit and bolt the control horn and
backing plate in place with two M2 x 15mm screws and nuts.
gear and the gear to the fuselage in this configuration. Locate the
two fiberglass wheel pants and use the four M3 x 10mm bolts and
four 3mm lock washers to attach the wheel pants to the landing
gear over the wheels.
26) The completed landing gear assembly is now mounted to
the bottom of the fuselage using the two provided M4 x 15mm
bolts and two 4mm washers. Tighten these bolts securely.
26) For visual reference in these steps, start by first mounting
the lower wing to the fuselage with the two provided 1/4 - 20 nylon
wing bolts. Make sure there are no wires trapped between the
wing and the wing saddle of the fuselage. Place the stabilizer into
the fairing slot at the rear of the fuselage. Note that the covering
has been removed all the way to the trailing edge on the bottom of
the stabilizer.
Carefully center the slot in the stabilizer to the vertical fin cutout in
the top of the fuselage and align the stabilizer to the fuselage by
measuring from the center of the firewall to the tip of the stabilizer
at the hinge line. Make sure that both of these measurements are
equal and pin in place.
Equal Distance
MODELER’S TIP: Use a sharpened piece of music wire or an
awl to perforate the mating surfaces of the stabilizer and the
fuselage. These small holes or dimples allow epoxy glue to
migrate into them, acting as small "nails" after the epoxy has