trailing edge. These two lines are used to align the radiators. The
black painted inlet side of these covers faces forward towards the
leading edge, with the front of the cover even with the rectangle
and the inside edge of the cover on the chordwise line. You may
need to slightly trim the rear outboard corner of the cover to keep
it from hanging over the trailing edge. We suggest using medium
or thick CA glue to attach these covers in place, being careful to
not use excessive glue that might smear the outer surface of the
cover or the covering itself.
18) Use a sharp #11 blade and hobby knife to now open the two
wing hold down bolt holes at the trailing edge of the wing center
section. Use medium or thick CA glue to glue the two painted
plywood washers in place, centered over the two bolt holes in the
This assembly sequence assumes that the optional main landing
gear and related parts will be installed. Note that if you intend to
fly your Bf-109 model without landing gear, you can then proceed
to the Motor Installation section.
The following parts will be
required for the following assembly steps.
The parts for the main gear are found in these bags:
Bag #17:
2 ea.
4 mm wire landing gear legs
2 ea.
63 mm dia. main wheels
4 ea.
plastic retaining straps
8 ea.
T3 x 8 mm PWA screws
2 ea.
4.1 mm ID wheel collars with setscrews
2 ea.
4 mm ID plastic bushings
Bag #11: 2 ea.
plywood landing gear doors
4 ea.
metal straps
8 ea.
M2 x 8 mm bolts
8 ea.
M2 nuts
8 ea.
M2 washers
1) As received, the wing structure includes two slotted
hardwood main landing gear mounting blocks, built into the bottom
surfaces. These blocks are used to mount and secure the main
landing gear wire forms.
On the bottom of the wing center section, about 2-1/4" (57 mm)
back from the wing leading edge, you will be able to feel the two
slots that will hold the main landing gear legs. Press firmly on
these slot locations with your finger, moving back and forth on the
surface of the wing until you can see where the edges of these
slots are. Once the slots are located, use a sharp #11 blade to
carefully slit the covering from one end of the slot to the other.
Repeat this with the opposite landing gear slot.
to its bottom surface. Repeat this process on the opposite aileron.
Use the four M2 x 20 mm bolts and the two plastic control horn
backing plate to now mount each aileron horn to the bottom of
each aileron with the backing plates on top of each aileron to
engage the bolt ends. Cut off the excess bolt ends and file smooth.
15) Install a pushrod connector, pointing towards the center of
the wing, into the outermost hole in the control horn and secure it
with a metal keeper washer, pressed in place over the stub end.
Repeat this process with the remaining pushrod keeper and
keeper washer.
16) Insert the Z-bend end of the .049" dia. x 3-78" (1.25 mm dia.
x 98 mm) aileron pushrods into the outermost hole of the aileron
servo arms.
Note that these holes may need to be slightly
enlarged to fit the wire diameter. Slide the opposite, unbent end of
the pushrod into the hole in the pushrod keepers on the aileron
control horns.
Again, connect the aileron "Y" harness into the
aileron receptacle in the receiver. Turn the transmitter on and
connect a 4.8V battery pack into the receiver. With the aileron
servos now working, make sure the trims are at neutral and then
tape the ailerons in neutral to the wing. Now firmly tighten the
setscrews in the pushrod keepers to lock the pushrods in place.
Remove the tape from the ailerons and wing. Move the aileron
stick on the transmitter to move the ailerons. Viewed from the rear
trailing edge of the wing, the right aileron should move up when the
aileron stick is moved to the right. If this aileron movement is
wrong, reverse the aileron channel in your transmitter.
satisfied, disconnect the aileron "Y" harness and battery pack from
the receiver and turn off the transmitter.
17) The two plastic wing radiator covers (Bag #14) are now
glued in place onto the bottom of each wing panel. Notice that
there are lines printed chordwise on the bottom covering that are
about 3-11/16" (94 mm) out from the center of the wing.
rectangle intersects this line about 4-7/16" (113 mm) forward of the