spinner backplate in its running position, allowing the cowl to be
accurately mounted to the fuselage.
3) Position the front of the cowl to contact the spacers on the
back of the spinner backplate and then, center the cowl to the
backplate in both top and side views. Use tape to hold the cowl to
the backplate in this centered position. Use a few more pieces of
tape to hold the cowl to the fuselage at its back edges. The cowl
should now be firmly and accurately in position. Using a #60 (.040"
dia.) bit, drill four pilot holes through the plywood pads beneath the
four pre-drilled holes in the cowl.
4) With a screwdriver, install the four cowl mounting screws
through the holes in the cowl and into the plywood pads. Tighten
the screws just enough to place the washer head in contact with
the cowl - no more. Remove the pieces of tape, the propeller nut,
the propeller, and the plywood backplate.
Remove the 1/16"
spacers from the rear of the backplate and lightly sand the
backplate smooth.
In the following steps you will need the following parts:
Bag #1
Vertical fin and rudder assembly
Bag #2
Horizontal stabilizer and elevator assembly
Bag #12
2 ea. M4 x 30 mm Nylon wing bolts
1) Remove the elevators, rudder, and hinges from the tail
surfaces. Insert the vertical fin into its slot at the top rear of the
fuselage. It should bottom out on the built in platform at the bottom
of the slot.
The trailing edge of the fin should be in perfect
alignment with the vertical tailpost of the fuselage - slide it forward
or back until it is aligned. Next, use a sharp, soft pencil to mark
both sides of the fin where it meets the fuselage at the slot.
Remove the fin from the fuselage and use a sharp #11 blade to
The servos are now tested using the radio system. Connect the
appropriate rudder and elevator servo leads into the receiver, turn
on the transmitter, and connect the flight battery to the ESC lead.
Make sure the rudder and elevator trims are at neutral. Test the
servos with the transmitter for proper movement and the alignment
of the servo arms at neutral. If necessary, reposition the output
arms to align them at 90
to the servo body at neutral. With arms
now positioned correctly, reinstall the servo output arm retaining
screws. Unplug the flight battery and turn off the transmitter.
In the following steps you will need the following parts:
Fuselage with motor mounted
Prop adaptor part for your specific motor
Flight propeller.
Bag #6
Sub bag containing four (4) T2 x 12 mm PWA
cowl mounting screws
Bag #13
1 ea. Plywood spinner back plate
1) Mount prop adaptor on the motor output shaft and secure it
in place. The provided plywood spinner backplate has a center
hole diameter of 6 mm (just under 1/4"). This hole will likely have
to be opened up to fit onto your propeller adaptor. Do this now.
After establishing a good concentric fit, remove the plywood
backplate from the adaptor. Tack glue four (4) 1/16" (1.5 mm) thick
spacers to the back surface of the backplate, as shown. These will
properly locate the cowl in relationship to the spinner.
spacers will be removed shortly.
2) Slide the cowl in place onto the front of the fuselage,
moving it back until the front of the cowl is slightly behind the face
of the prop adaptor.
Slip the spinner backplate onto the prop
adaptor shaft with the 1/16" spacers towards the cowl. Place the
propeller in position onto the prop adaptor shaft and tighten it
in place with a propeller nut. This set-up should now have the