Attach the motor mount to the firewall and then install the engine on the mount. When using the Norvel engine, the muffler
is positioned so the exhaust is in the front.
Mark and dnll the holes in the firewall for the fuel and vent hnes and the throttle cable.
Install the throttle pushrod. Route the housing along the fuselage side for tank clearance.
Assemble the fuel tank and install in the model.
Trim the cowl approximately 1/8" up from the base, and remove the front circle.
Tape the cowl to the front of the model in the proper position. Glue the cowl blocks to the firewall. Drill 3 1/16" holes in the
cowl at the center of each cowl block and install the screws.
Cut holes in the cowl for glow plug and needle valve access. You may need to add an extension on the needle valve. Use
a piece of silicone tube to route the exhaust out of the cowl. Cut a hole in the cowl for this tube.
Temporarily install the receiver and battery and cut an opening in the fuselage side for the switch. Drill a 1/16" hole in F10
immediately behind F-4 for the antenna exit. The antenna can also exit the top of the fuselage behind the canopy or run
through a plastic tube to exit the rear of the fuselage under the stabilizer.
Trim the canopy and test fit to the fuselage.
Remove the cowl, engine, control surfaces and other items. Sand the entire model smooth with 320 grit sandpaper.
Cover the model with your choice of iron on covering materials. Cover the landing gear fairings (LG) at this time.
Paint the cowl, canopy frame and wing dowels to match the covering. Paint the firewall and cowl blocks with fuel proof
Apply the decals and other markings as desired. An ultra fine Sharpie Marker can be used to draw panel lines and other
Final Assembly
lnstall the elevators and glue the hinges.
0n the fixed rudder version glue the bottom of the rudder to the fuselage and cover the joint between the rudder and the
fuselage with a small strip of covering material. Glue the tail wheel to the bottom of the fuselage. For the moveable rudder,
Install the rudder onto the model and glue the hinges.
Glue the wing dowels into the fuselage.
Re-install the control horns, pushrods, engine, tank, cowl and other items.
Glue the canopy onto the model.
Cut an opening in the wing for the aileron servo. Remove the covering from the servo rail location.
Cut the aileron servo rails from scrap ply sheet LC-501-05. Glue 1 servo rail (1/8") to the wing at the front ofthe servo. Use
2 (1/4") servo rails at the rear of the servo. You may need to customize the rails to fit your particular servo.
Mount aileron servo. Attach the ailerons and glue the hinges. Make the aileron pushrods "Z" bends at the torque rod ends
and servo connectors at the servo.
Cut the covering away from the slots in the landing gear blocks and install the landing gear wires. Use two #4 x 1/2"
screws to retain each landing gear wire. Install the main and tail wheels. Glue the landing gear fairings to the landing gear
with silicone rubber. You may need to use brass tube bushings if you use wheels with 1/8" holes.