Place the opposite fuselage side onto the F-3 and F-4 formers and glue into position. The formers should be 90 degrees to
the fuselage side.
Place the fuselage top (F-8) ·into position. Working from F-4 forward, glue F-8 into position.
Place former F-7 into position. Use 2 clothes pins to hold the two fuselage sides together at the aft end. Align the joint at
the aft end of the fuselage 90 degrees to the fuselage top.
Glue the fuselage sides together at the aft end. Glue F-8 to the fuselage sides from F-7 to the rear of the fuselage. Glue F-
7 to the fuselage sides and top.
Glue F-6 to the fuselage top. It should be aligned 90 degrees to the fuselage top.
Pull the fuselage sides in and glue to former F-6.
Gently squeeze the upper fuselage sides into contact with F-8 between F-6 and F-7 and glue sides to top.
Gently squeeze the fuselage sides into contact with F-8 between F-4 and F-6 and glue the sides to the top.
Place the aft fuselage bottom (F-10) into position and glue to formers F-4, F-6 and F-7.
Working from the back to the front, squeeze the fuselage sides into contact with F-10 and glue together.
Glue F-9 into position on the lower forward fuselage.
Drill the firewall (F-5) for the motor mount screws and install blind nuts on the back side. Secure the nuts with thin C/A glue
making sure not to get any on the threads.
Glue F-5 into position on the front of the fuselage.
Glue F-16 to the fuselage top directly over F-7. Glue F-15 to the fuselage top directly over F-6.
Glue F-13 into position on the top of the fuselage, on the centerline, with the back end against F-15.
Sand a slight bevel on the bottom of F-14 and glue into position on the fuselage top and against F-13.
Glue F-11 into position on the fuselage top. Glue F-12A and F-12 into position.
Glue 3/32" x 1/4" strips between F-3 and F-5, between F-3 and F-12 and between F-14 and F-16. Trim away F-12A and F
13 if required to allow the strip to fit completely into the notches in the formers. When the glue is dry trim the ends of the
strips flush with the formers.
Sheet the lower front fuselage with 1/16" sheet. Cut a piece of 1/16" x 3" sheet slightly longer than needed. Split along the
grain to make two 1 1/2" wide pieces. Place one piece into position against the lower edge of the fuselage side and glue to
the fuselage side only. When the glue is dry, wet the outside of the 1/16" sheet with Windex or other ammonia based glass
cleaner and allow to soak in for several minutes. Wrap the 1/16" sheet around the formers and trim on the centerline of the
3/32" x 1/4" strip. Then glue into position.
Now add the opposite piece of 1/16" sheet as you did the first. If there is a small gap between the sheets where they meet
on the 1/4" wide joiner strip it can be filled with a small scrap of 1/16" sheet. When the glue and the wood is dry, trim the
ends flush with the formers.
Note: When you try to bend the wet 1/16" sheet around the formers it may try to crack near the fuselage side. If this starts
to happen you can use a hot iron (Monokote iron) to steam the wet wood up and around the formers. Any small cracks that
might appear can also be filled with a drop of glue and then sanded smooth.
Sheet the top front of the fuselage from F-5 to F-12 using the above method. Sheet the top rear fuselage between F-14
and F-16 using the above method.
Now that the basic fuselage structure is finished you should go back and apply a small amount of thin C/A glue to every
joint in the fuselage structure. A bead of thick C/A should be applied to the inside joints between the firewall and the
fuselage sides and the top and bottom.
When all glue is dry you can sand the entire fuselage smooth all over with 320 grit sand paper.