Sierra Instruction Manual
203 Economical
AI 2 Va lu e Ra n g e [ 6 4
10 -
10 0
CL Current Output
Display CL current output. The display of 10.0000mA
indicates that CL current output value is 10.0000mA.
If the difference between displaying value and CL
output value is too large, the current loop then needs
to be re-calibrated accordingly.
Date and Time Settings
Date and time modifications are made in this menu.
The format for setting time setting is 24 hours. Press
, wait until “>” appears, the modification can be
Display electronic serial number (ESN) of the
instrument. This ESN is the only one assigned to each
flow meter ready to leave the factory. The factory uses
it for files setup and the user uses it for management.
Serial Port Settings
This menu is used for serial port setting. Serial port
is used to communicate with other instruments.
The serial port parameters setting of the instrument
that applies the serial port connection must be
consistence. The first selected data indicates baud rate,
9600, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200 are
The second option indicates parity bit, None (No
Data length fixed to 8;
The factory default serial port parameter is “9600, None”
Stop bit length for a fixed length.
AI1 Analog Input Value Range
This menu is for entering Analog Input 4mA and
20mA for temperature or pressure value.
AI2 Analog Input Value Range
This menu is for entering Analog Input 4mA and
20mA for temperature or pressure value.
CL Cu r r e n t Ou t p u t [ 5 9
15 .6 6 1 mA
0 3 - 0 4 - 0 4
10 :0 5 :0 4
Ult r a s o n i c F lo wme t e r
S/ N= 0 5 0 7 118 8
RS- 2 3 2 Se t u p [ 6 2
9 6 0 0 , No n e
AI 1 Va lu e Ra n g e [ 6 3
10 -
10 0