TC45 TC45 JAVA User's Guide
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TC45_JAVA User's Guide_V02
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The following Java instruction was used for calculation of the typical jPS:
value = ( 2 x number of calculation statements ) /
( ( 1 / frequencyB ) - ( 1 / frequencyA ) );
Measurement and calculation were done using:
duration of each loop
= 600 s
number of calculation statements
= 5
(executed twice per pin cycle)
as measured with universal counter
as measured with universal counter
The reference loop has the same structure as the measurement loop except the
measurement sequence is moved.
State jPS-Value
TC45 module in IDLE mode / Not connected
~750 jPS
CSD connection
~450 jPS
These mean values may be sporadically reduced depending on dynamic conditions.
3.7.2 Pin-IO
The pin IO test was defined to find out how fast a Java MIDlet can process URCs caused by
Pin IO and react on these URCs.
The URCs are generated by feeding an input pin with an external frequency. As soon as the
Java MIDlet gets informed about the URC, it tries to regenerate the feeding frequency by
toggling another output pin.
external frequency
generated frequency
Test MIDlet
poll input pin
input pin
output pin
set output pin
send URC
Figure 2: Test overview
The results of this test show that the delay from changing the state on the pin to processing
the URC in the MIDlet is at least 20 TDMA frames, but depends mainly on the amount of
garbage to collect and number of thread to serve by the virtual machine. So Pin IO is not
suitable to generate or detect frequencies.