WirelessHART Adapter SITRANS AW200
A5E02777167-05, 01/2017
Active adapter (terminals 1, 2) Passive adapter (terminals 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Io < 99 mA
Ii = 100 mA
Po < 692 mW
Pi = 751 mW
Lo = 3.45 mH
Li = 426 μH
Co = 70 nF
Ci = 24 nF
Configuration / installation options
Two contacts (7 and 8, parallel to terminals 5 and 6) allow configuration of the
adapter using a certified hand-held terminal with observation of the safety-
relevant characteristic values.
Further installation options can be found in the Instruction Manual A5E02777161,
Chapter "Connecting".
Figure 5-1
Adapter contacts