be located in an area from which the operator can see into the system. The acknowledge button
is any button with a normally-open contact. It is connected via a 2-wire shielded control cable
with a wire cross section ≥ 0.5 mm
(e.g. Gore GSC-01-4489-00; 2 x AWG 20 [0.62 mm
Choice of cables and wiring system according to EN60204-1.
Figure 3-11
Connection possibility button – "Acknowledge Safe Torque Off" or "Acknowledge"
The line-side circuit breaker, e.g. Siemens vacuum circuit breaker SION 3AE series, must have
the following features:
● The circuit breaker must have a spring energy storage operating mechanism.
● The tripping time of the circuit breaker must not exceed 80 ms.
● The circuit breaker must be equipped with an undervoltage tripping function.
● The switch classes C1, E1 and M1 must at least meet the requirements of IEC 62271-100.
● The MTBF value must be ≤ 200 FIT.
● The circuit breakers must correspond to the following standards:
– IEC 60694: Common regulations for high-voltage switching device standards
– IEC 62271-100: High-voltage switching devices - Part 100: High-voltage AC circuit
Software description "Safe Torque Off" (macro interconnection)
The software controller receives "Safe Torque Off" option signals from the hardware controller
for operations management.
The "Decelerate to n=0 and pulse suppression" command (active low) induces an immediate
withdrawal of the speed setpoint enable and delays (PDF 0, parameter name p20169, factory
setting T = 8 s) a withdrawal of the operation enable (pulse suppression). The delay PDF 0 must
be coordinated with the off-delay time of the time relay K120 (PDF 0, T = T
delay -K120
- 2 seconds).
3.6 Description of options
SINAMICS SM150 6SL3815-7NP41-0AA1
Operating Instructions Rev.201910281301 EXAMPLE