Safety information
1.2 Handling electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD)
Basic Operator Panel 20 (BOP20)
Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E00809375A
Handling electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD)
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) are individual components, integrated circuits, modules
or devices that may be damaged by either electric fields or electrostatic discharge.
Damage through electric fields or electrostatic discharge
Electric fields or electrostatic discharge can cause malfunctions through damaged
individual components, integrated circuits, modules or devices.
Only pack, store, transport and send electronic components, modules or devices in their
original packaging or in other suitable materials, e.g. conductive foam rubber or
aluminum foil.
Only touch components, modules and devices when you are grounded by one of the
following methods:
Wearing an ESD wrist strap
Wearing ESD shoes or ESD grounding straps in ESD areas with conductive flooring
Only place electronic components, modules or devices on conductive surfaces (table
with ESD surface, conductive ESD foam, ESD packaging, ESD transport container).
The necessary ESD protective measures are clearly illustrated in the following diagram:
a = conductive floor surface
b = ESD table
c = ESD shoes
d = ESD overall
e = ESD wristband
f = cabinet ground connection
g = contact with conductive flooring
Figure 1-1
ESD protective measures