Application and functions
1.2 Functions and communication services
Operating Instructions, 05/2019, C79000-G8976-C503-01
Azure (Microsoft)
Service: IoT Hub
IBM Cloud (IBM)
Service: Watson IoT Platform
Other Cloud
Profile for another cloud system
OPC UA server for S7 data
For transfer of S7 process data, the gateway can be used as OPC UA server. The gateway
reads process data from the S7 CPU and, as OPC UA server, makes it available to one or
more OPC UA clients.
The server function can be enabled or disabled in the configuration.
The OPC UA server supports the following functions:
Reading and writing tags
Monitoring tags (MonitoredItems) using Subscriptions
Hierarchical address browsing
The OPC UA server is implemented based on the "Micro Embedded Device 2017 Server
Profile" of the OPC Foundation. For details, see:
The OPC UA server supports the functions relevant for this profile from the following
IEC/TR 62541-1 (08-2012) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 1: Overview and Concepts
IEC/TR 62541-2 (02-2009) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 2: Security Model
For the supported security profiles, refer to the section OPC UA Security (Page 54).
IEC 62541-3 (08-2012) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 3: Address Space Model
For the supported data types, refer to the section Data points (Page 78).
IEC 62541-4 (08-2012) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 4: Services
IEC 62541-5 (08-2012) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 5: Information Model
IEC 62541-6 (08-2012) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 6: Mappings
IEC 62541-7 (09-2010) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 7: Profiles
Configuration using the WBM
You configure the gateway parameters in Web Based Management (WBM). The WBM
consists of Web pages stored in the gateway. From a configuration PC you connect to the
WBM of the gateway via HTTPS.