For internal use only
25 / 88
KNX bus communications
Building Technologies
Commissioning notes
Points to check prior to commissioning
The following points must be checked before commissioning starts.
Check that bus devices and field devices are installed.
Check the wiring against the plant wiring diagram.
Check that all devices have an operating voltage:
AC 24 V
Synco 700 RM… controllers, RXL room controllers, OZW775
central communication unit. The RMZ792 bus operator unit can be
operated with AC 24 V or powered via the KNX bus.
AC 230 V
RXB room controllers, OZW771 central communication unit,
Synco living central apartment unit QAX9x3
Devices without a direct connection for the operating voltage:
QAW740 room unit, and operator units RMZ790, RMZ791
Existing bus power supply. Delivered by:
DPSU: Synco 700 devices set to "Decentral bus power = On".
PSU: Central bus power supply from power supply unit(s).
Check that the plant is ready for operation.
Commissioning is described in detail in the installation instructions for each
individual device.
Communication is active if the following criteria are fulfilled:
Power supplied to the bus.
Time and date set.
Device addresses set.
Zone addresses set.
Devices not in commissioning mode.
The communication of process values requires that the zones are connected in the
devices via the zone addresses (see Section 7.1).
General points to check
Communication of
process values