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Web server OZW672... V4.0
Building Technologies
"Energy indicator" function
Summary display "Energy indicator" for a plant
The "Energy indicator" of the plant OR-links the "Energy indicators" of all devices
across all levels. It is displayed as a summary:
LED on the web server (see figure in Section 1.2).
Web page "Plant" in the "Plant state Energy indicator" pane.
The following colors of LED on the web server front mean:
LED is lit green
"Energy indicator" of the plant = "Green leaf".
LED is lit orange
"Energy indicator" of the plant = "Orange leaf".
"Green leaf"
All actively monitored data points of the plant are within limits, i.e. no "Green
limits" are violated.
"Orange leaf"
At least one monitored data point is outside its "Green limit". The number of
data points outside their "Green limit" is displayed in addition to the tree leaf.
The summary display "Orange leaf" with "2 Green limit(s) crossed" is displayed (in
the previous example) because two "Green limits" were exceeded in "Heat circuit
2" (see next screenshot).
Summary display
LED on web server
Summary display
"Plant" web page