VNX50HH-2 CEDI Modules
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The system can be cleaned and sanitized with any of five (5) different solutions, depending on what
needs to be removed:
Hydrochloric acid (2%) –
For removing scale and metal oxides.
Sodium chloride/sodium hydroxide (5% brine/1% caustic)
– For removing organic
foulants and biofilm.
Sodium percarbonate –
For removing organic foulants, reducing pressure drop, and
Peracetic Acid –
Used for
routine sanitizing to discourage the growth of bacterial films.
Aggressive Multi-Agent cleaning for Biofilm–
Recommended for general biofouling with
increase in pressure drop. This aggressive cleaning protocol consists of 5% sodium chloride
followed by a 2% sodium hydroxide and then followed by a 1% sodium percarbonate with a
final 5% sodium chloride flush. The combination of these treatments performed sequentially
has proven to be more effective than any single treatment performed separately.
Aggressive Multi-Agent cleaning for Fouling/scaling –
Recommended for fouling and
scale remediation with drop in performance combined with increased electrical stack
resistance. Aggressive sequential cleaning protocol of salt (5% sodium chloride) then
followed by caustic (2% sodium hydroxide) followed by acid (2% hydrochloric acid) with a
final 5% sodium chloride flush (
). Extended soaking or
increasing the acid concentration in the range from 2%-4% HCl based on the severity of
electrical stack resistance increase increases the benefits of this treatment.
If you are unsure whether the module is scaled or organically fouled, clean first with brine, then
caustic clean followed by acid clean.
6.8. Cleaning with 2.0% Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
Hydrochloric acid is a corrosive chemical. Wear safety glasses, gloves, and
protective clothing when using this or any corrosive chemicals.
Cleaning with Hydrochloric Acid involves three steps:
Hydrochloric acid treatment (2% HCl),
A salt flush (5% NaCl), and
3. Water
STEP 1: Recirculating the HCl Solution
This is the minimum amount of HCl required. It may be necessary to use additional HCl
to effectively clean a scaled Module. Monitor the pH of the solution during the
recirculation period. If the pH begins to rise, add more HCl to maintain a pH of
approximately 0.5.
Circulating HCl through the system removes scale and metal oxides
from the module.
Chemicals necessary for Step 1 (2% HCl)
Water (RO permeate or CEDI product)
99 gal (375 liters)
36.5% Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
4.2 gal (16.2 liters)
The following cleaning procedures are based on the piping setup shown in
Figure 6-1.
Prepare the VNX system for chemical cleaning. Follow the instructions in Section
6.5 and 6.6. Make sure the tank drain valve is closed.