Step 1 > Install Line Filters
Stand-alone Line Filter
Wall-mount Filter
For each device that ahares the DSL phone line:
1. Unplug the device's cord from the phone jack.
2. Plug the filter into the phone jack.
3. Plug the phone cord (or other device cord)
into the filter.
For a wall-mounted phone, use a wall-mount
1. Remove the phone from the wall.
2. Connect the wall-mount filter to the
all plate.
3. Reconnect the phone.
Devices such as fax machines, caller ID boxes, or phones or phones that share the same
phone line as your DSL account require a line filter. The line filter prevents noise from
disrupting the DSL signal on the phone line. Filters can be in the form of a stand-alone
line filter or a wall-mount filter.
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