Starting the Software
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
Type in a name for the project up to eight letters
and numbers in the
Project Name:
field and press
. The
Project Type:
field will then be high-
lighted. Press the
to display the project
types, which are:
PLCs to Devices
—allows a PLC to control
and/or monitor up to 32 supported Siemens
devices. See
Chapter 4
for configuring this
project type.
Modbus Master to Devices
—allows a Mod-
bus speaking host system, personal com-
puter running SCADA software, or PLC to read
and write registers in up to 32 supported Sie-
mens devices. See
Chapter 5
for configuring
this project type.
SEAbus Port Expander
—allows two Siemens
ACCESS supervisory computers to connect
up to 32 Siemens ACCESS devices. See
Chapter 6
for configuring this project type.