[dw_HW-structure_CC–CO_pilot-wires, 1, en_US]
Figure 1-2
Hardware Structure of the CC-CO for the Pair of Pilot Wires
The CC-CO enables bidirectional data communication of 2 protection devices via a single pair of wires with a
bit rate of 128 kBit/s, 256 kBit/s, 512 kBit/s, or 2048 kBit/s. The available optical fiber protection interface in
the protection device is adapted to the physical specification of the respective pair of copper wires to be used.
The pair of copper wires can be part of a telecommunication cable or another suitable symmetrical communi-
cation cable. Adjustment is carried out synchronously and in a fully bit-transparent manner, that is, the infor-
mation is transmitted directly without adding or hiding information itself. The line connection (Line) has insu-
lation stability of 5 kV, but it can be increased to 20 kV by connecting an isolating transformer upstream (see
2 devices are required to set up a communication route, the the CC-CO main unit and the CC-CO secondary
unit, which are configured in the device with jumpers. A jumper is used to switch between either main unit or
secondary unit mode. One device must be configured as a main unit and one as a secondary unit.
A contact output (relay contact, change over contact) is used to generate a device OK signal (Life Contact).
The relay is picked up when the auxiliary voltage is available and the internal logic works perfectly, and a
connection of both CC-COs has been established. The make contact reports correct functioning. The break
contact reports a failure.
Cable-line (Line) training can also be carried out using the key, which is required when the physical transmis-
sion parameters of the tie line have changed in such a way that satisfactory transmission is not guaranteed.
The line parameters are recalibrated during training and the CC-CO is aligned with them.
Device Structure
1.3 Function
Accessories, Communication Converter - Copper/Synchronous Interface, Manual
C53000-B1174-C190-1, Edition 01.2022