One output (relay contact, CO contact) generates a “device ready” signal (DR). The relay
picks up if the auxiliary supply voltage is applied and if the internal logic devices function
correctly, and if a link to both CC–COs is established. The NC contact signals a fault.
In addition, the push-button allows to train the “line”, which is necessary if the physical
transmission parameters of the line have changed over the years to such an extent that a
satisfactory transmission is no longer ensured. During such a training, the line parameters
are newly measured and the CC–CO tuned to them.
Figure 12 Interfaces and connections
At the device side (Fig. 12) there are the following interfaces and connections:
: The pilot wire pair (please use Shielded Twisted Pair) must be applied to the 2-pole
screw-type terminal (Line) (one wire pair). The shield connection situated to the right has
to be connected to the shield of the pilot wire. The Line signals are galvanically isolated
from the other electrical circuits (Fig. 11) and communicates with the opposite protection
FO/LWL (Fibre optic link)
: The fibre optic interfaces serve for interfacing a protection
device. These interfaces transmit serial signals. The optical features including the con-
nections correspond to a 820 nm interface (ST-plug, 820 nm), which must be available in
the protection device as a data protection interface.
: A floating CO contact is available as a “device ready” interface whose three
connections are routed to the device panel. The connection symbol represents the rest
position of the contact (no voltage). The DR Signal is enabled (the relay is closed) when
the following conditions are fulfilled:
The link between the CC–COs has been established.
The power supply of the internal logic devices is healthy.
The internal logic devices work correctly.
LWL = fibre
GOK = “device ready”