5.3 FC ECC4100 parameters
Technology module TM ECC 2xPWM ST (6FE1242-6TM10-0BB1)
Manual, 04/2018, A5E42681298B-AA
Data type Description
Contactor closed (True = yes, False = no)
If the feedback does not take place directly over the module (can be configured with HSP or
GSDML), you can connect the feedback input of the contactor here. The charging process
is interrupted after three seconds if this input is not set to "1". A corresponding error is out-
put at the DiagInfo output. The CP output signal changes to -12 V. The same is true when
the contactor is opened and this input does not change to "0" in three seconds. (can be
configured with HSP or GSDML)
Cable lock active (True = yes, False = no)
As long as this bit is set to "True", the charging plug is locked on the charging station side.
Unlocking by the module is only enabled when this bit is set to "False".
Basically, a new charging process can only be started if this bit is "False". Otherwise the LA
is locked (without feedback to the user).
If this parameter is permanently "False", unlocking is controlled by the module.
This input parameter is especially useful when using Type 1 connectors (vehicle side),
since the Type 1 connector is not automatically locked. Otherwise the charging cable could
be stolen.
Locked (True = yes, False = no)
If the feedback does not take place directly over the module (can be configured with HSP or
GSDML), you can connect the feedback input of the locking process here. The charging
process is canceled after three seconds if this input is not set to "1". A corresponding error
is output at the DiagInfo output. The same is true for unlocking and when this input does
not change to "0" in three seconds.
Maximum current of the charging source in ampere.
If the specified charging current is less than 6 A or greater than 80 A, the PWM signal is
disabled and the value of "MaxCurr" is set internally to "0" in the process image. This in-
cludes negative currents (< 0 A).