3 Description
3.1.3 Insulation Rating
Rated voltage
420 kV
Rated short-duration power-frequency
withstand voltage
to earth
520 kV
across the open circuit-breaker
610 kV
between phases
520 kV
Rated lightning impulse withstand
to earth
1425 kV
across the open circuit-breaker
1425 kV
between phases
1425 kV
Impulse against power frequency
1425 kV +240 kV
Rated switching impulse withstand
to earth
1050 kV
across the open circuit-breaker
1050 kV
between phases
1575 kV
Impulse against power frequency
900 kV + 345 kV
Flashover distance in air
to earth
3180 mm
across the open circuit-breaker
3200 mm
between phases
see dimension drawing
Minimum creepage distance over the
insulators' surfaces
to earth
10050 mm
across the open circuit-breaker
10500 mm
Table 1 Insulation rating
3.1.4 Electrical
Rated voltage
420 kV
Rated frequency
50 Hz
Rated normal current
3150 A
Rated short-circuit breaking current
50 kA
Rated line-charging breaking current
(1.4 p.u.)
600 A
Rated cable-charging breaking
current (1.4 p.u.)
400 A
Transient recovery voltage under
terminal fault conditions
ace. to IEC
Rated short-circuit making current
Rated short-circuit duration
Rated operating sequence
Table 2
Electrical data