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5467-2 - 2018

Important user precautions


Viktige brukerforebehold


•  Forviss deg om at du kjenner plasseringen av hovedstrømsbryteren 

til baugthrusteren, som kutter all strøm til thrusteren, så thrusteren 

kan skrus av i nødstilfelle.

•  Før berøring av noen del av thrusteren må alltid strømmen skrus av. 

En tilfeldig start kan volde stor fysisk skade.

•  Skru alltid av kontrollpanelet etter bruk.

•  Den maksimale sammenhengende kjøretiden for en elektrisk thrust-

er er ca. 3 min. da vil en føler automatisk skru av motoren når den 

når en viss varme. Dette må tas i betraktning når en manøver plan-


•  Dette betyr at ved manøvere som tar lang tid vil ikke thrusteren 

kunne brukes hele kontinuerlig. Ved manøvere som tar lang tid kan 

man bruke thrusteren i ca 10 % av tiden, avhengig av tempraturen i 


•  Bruk aldri thrusteren når noen(mennesker/dyr) er i vannet, thruster-

en vil trekke gjenstander til seg og kontakt med propellen vil volde 

alvorlig skade.

•  Kjør aldri thrusteren i mer enn 1 sek. når båten er på land. Uten 

motstand fra vannet vil thrusteren nå ødelegende turtall svært fort.

•  Hvis thrusterne stopper å gi skyvekraft mens motoren er i gang, er 

det trolig oppstått problemer i girsystemet. Stopp umiddelbart å kjøre 

motoren, og skru den av. Uten motstand fra vannet vil thrusteren nå 

ødelegende turtall svært fort.

•  Når man forlater båten skal alltid hovedstrømsbryteren slås av.

•  Vi anbefaler å ha motoren i gang når thrusteren kjøres. Da vil batte-

rien vedlikeholdes, og det vil være høyere spenning til elektromotor-

en. Høyere spenning gir høyere turtall og bedre ytelse.

•  Ytelsen til en baugthruster avhenger av hvilken spenning motoren 

mottar under kjøring. Kapasiteten til batterier avtar etter hvert som 

de blir eldre, og dermed også ytelsen til thrusteren. Ved å installere 

nye batterier vil thrusteren yte maksimalt igjen.

•  Kun en kontroll skal brukes av gangen, hvis to kontroller brukes mot-

satt vei vil thrusteren stoppe automatisk. Hvis to paneler opereres 

samme vei vil ikke dette skje.

•  Hvis thrusteren ikke fungerer tilfredsstillende må feilen lokaliseres 

og rettes så snart som mulig, for at ikke thrusteren skal ta ytterligere 

skade, skru av hovestrømsbryteren hvis feilen er av elektrisk art.

•  Det er eiers / skippers/ andre ansvarlige fulle ansvar å vurdere 

risikoen for eventuelle uforutsette hendelser på fartøyet. Hvis 

thrusteren av en eller annen grunn stopper å gi skyvekraft under 

manøvrering må du ha vurdert en plan for hvordan å unngå skader 

på personer eller andre objekter.

•  Hovedformålet med thrusteren er å manøvrere fartøyet. Forover / 

bakoverhastighet må ikke overstige 4 knop når thrusteren brukes.

•  Ensure that you know the location of the main battery switch that 

  disconnects the thruster from all power sources (batteries) so that 

  the thruster can be turned off  in case of a malfunction.

•  Always turn the main power switch off  before touching any part of 

  the thruster, as an incidental start while touching moving parts can 

  cause serious injuries.

•  Always turn the control device off  when the thruster is not in use.

•  The maximum continues usage time of the electrical thruster is 

  approximately 3 minutes. The electromotor has a built in thermal 

  cut-off  switch that will shut off  the electromotor if it is overheating 

  and re-engage it when it has cooled down some. This should be 

  considered when planning your maneuvering.

•  This also means that the thruster will limit its total running time per 

  time period so that you can not count on the thruster to hold you 

  in a current and side wind for extensive time periods. Depending 

  on the surrounding temperatures etc. the thruster will be able to 

  run approximately 10 % of the time.

•  Never use a thruster close to somebody(persons/animals) in the water,  

  as the thruster will draw objects close by into the tunnel and contact with 

  the rotating propellers will cause serious injuries.

•  With the boat on land, only run the thruster for a fraction of a 

  second, as without resistance it will accelerate very fast to a 

  damaging rpm. Also, while the thruster is in air, make sure that the 

  propellers have come to a complete stop before performing a 

  directions change of the thruster, as it might cause damage to the 


•  If the thruster stops giving thrust while the electromotor is running, 

  chances are that there is a problem in the drive-system. You must 

  then immediately stop trying to run it, and turn it off , as running the 

  electromotor for more than a few seconds without resistance from 

  the propeller, can cause serious damage to the electromotor.

•  When leaving the boat always turn off  the main power switch for 

  the thruster.

•  We advice to always keep the main engine(s) running while using a 

  thruster. This will keep the batteries in a good charge condition. This 

  will also give better performance to the thruster, as a higher voltage at  

  the thruster results in a higher torque (power) in the electromotor.

•  Please note that the performance of a thruster strongly depends on

  the voltage available at the electromotor. This voltage will decrease 

  by time because aging batteries have a reduction of capacity. By 

  installing new batteries the eff ect of the thruster should be back at 

  the original level.

•  Make sure that only one control is used at the same time, if two 

  panels are operated in opposite directions at the same time the 

  thruster will not run at all. If they are operated in the same direction 

  the thruster will run in this direction.

•  If the thruster is not performing or functioning as usual, the cause for 

  this must be found and corrected as soon as possible so to avoid 

  causing any other or further damage to the equipment. You must 

  also turn off  the main battery switch immediately in case the 

  problem is of electric origin.

•  Never store anything (e.g. equipment, sails, ropes etc.) in the 

  same compartment as the thruster. When the thruster runs for 

  a longer period it will get hot and will cause damage.

•  It is the owner/captain/other responsible party full responsibility to as-  

  sess the risk of any unexpected incidents on the vessel. If the thruster  

  stops giving thrust for some reason while maneuvering you must have  

  considered a plan on how to avoid damage to persons or other ob     


•  The main purpose of the thruster is to maneuver/dock the vessel. 

  Forward/reverse speed must not exceed 4 knots when operated.


  Tampering with the Ignition Protected stern thruster assembly or any attempt to disassemble anything on this thruster 

assembly inside the boat can cause an explosion with very serious consequences.

  If there is a problem with your Ignition Protected stern thruster, please contact your dealer.


Danger: NEVER Disassemble any part of the Ignition Protected stern thruster assembly

Summary of Contents for SEP30/125S2

Page 1: ...ation and user s manual EN N Installasjons og brukermanual Made in Norway Sleipner Motor AS 2018 SLEIPNER MOTOR AS P O Box 519 N 1612 Fredrikstad Norway www side power com SEP30 125S2 SEP40 125S2 SIDE POWER Thruster Systems Document id 5467 Revision 2 ...

Page 2: ...6 Visual wiring diagram 16 Technical wiring diagram 17 Checklist for control of the installation 18 User s manual Important user precautions 19 How to use Side Power thrusters 20 Maintenance service 21 Troubleshooting 22 Warranty statement 23 Spareparts list drawing 24 Contents EN SAMSVARSERKLÆRING Sleipner Motor AS P O Box 519 Arne Svendsensgt 6 8 N 1612 Fredrikstad Norway Erklærer at dette produ...

Page 3: ...eines beliebigen Zeitraumes Sicherheit Elektronische Zeitverzögerung zum Schutz des Getriebes bei plötzlichem Wechsel der Drehrich tung Elektrischer Thermoschalter zum Schutz des Motors gegen Überhitzung erneute Betriebs bereitschaft nach Abkühlung Scherstift zwischen Elektromotor und Getriebe achse als Schutz wenn der Propeller blockiert ist Nach der letzten Benutzung schaltet das Original Side P...

Page 4: necessary acquaintance with this product The thruster must NOT be installed in compartments that require ignition proof electric equipment If necessary make a separate compartment The electromotor will generate some carbon dust so that any storage compartment must be separated from the thruster to prevent the stored items from becoming dusty dirty If you are installing the Side Power in a small...

Page 5: ... möglichst großen Abstand vom Drehpunkt des Schiffes zu erreichen ist der Sidepower möglichst weit vorne einzubauen Eine Vergrößerung des Abstandes vom Drehpunkt des Schiffes hat eine direkte Auswirkung auf die verfügbare Schubkraft Beispiel A 55kg Schubkraft x 11m 605kgm zum Wenden des Bootes B 55kg Schubkraft x 10m 550kgm zum Wenden des Bootes In Beispiel A stehen damit 10 mehr Schubkraft zur Ve...

Page 6: ...n die Schubkraft und reduzieren das Geräuschniveau Der Bereich Tunnelende Außenseite des Rumpfes ist soweit möglich abzurunden Der optimale Wert für den Radius dieser Rundung beträgt 10 des Tunneldurchmessers Vorteile gegenüber einer scharfen Tunnel Rumpfverbindung sind 1 Abgerundete Tunnelenden verhindern Turbulenzen Kavitation wie sie an scharfenkantigen Tunnelenden auftreten Damit werden zwei n...

Page 7: ...n Fig 3 Det er alltid viktig å avrunde tunnelåpningene mest mulig for å motvirke støy og for å få mest mulig effekt av thrusteren Mer informasjon om dette på side 10 12 SP 75 Ti SP 95 Ti SP 125 Ti 2 5 1 2007 Formgebung der Tunnelenden Abgerundete Tunnelenden erhöhen die Schubkraft und reduzieren das Geräuschniveau Der Bereich Tunnelende Außenseite des Rumpfes ist soweit möglich abzurunden Der optim...

Page 8: ...ig einen Rumpf in Rennform auf was einen sehr flachen Rumpf im Bugbereich bedeutet Es ist daher schwierig oder fast unmöglich den Tunnel an der gewünschten effektivsten Stelle also möglichst weit vorne im Bug zu plazieren Fig 1 Trotzdem ist es vielfach möglich unter diesen Bedingungen eine Bugschraube einzubauen auch wenn der Tunnel damit nicht völlig vom ursprünglichen Rumpf umgeben ist Der Tunne...

Page 9: ... later to get the hull out of the mould Fig 3 4 Series production installation Fig 1 Fig 3 Fig 2 Fig 4 EN a1 b a1 a2 a2 b a1 a2 d d c1 c2 c2 c3 d b c3 c1 D Radius D x 0 1 A a1 b a1 a2 a2 b a1 a2 d d c1 c2 c2 c3 d b c3 c1 Båtbyggere som har trustere som standard eller leverer en eller flere modeller med valgfri truster i stort antall har mulighet for å lage en perfekt tunnelinstallasjon og samtidig...

Page 10: ...ayers of resin fibreglass a resin fibre glass mixture must be filled in that area R D Tunnel installation Fig 1 Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 2 EN Tunnelinstallering NO Sleipner Motor anbefaler at innstøping av glassfibertunnelen utføres av kyndig personell Denne instruksjons manua len gir ikke detaljerte opplysninger om glassfiberstøpning Problemer som skyldes installering er installatørens fulle ansvar Bestem p...

Page 11: ...årsake svikt i girhus 20 SP 30 S2i SP 40 S2 i SP 55 Si 3 5 2005 Runden Sie die Kanten mit einem Radius 10 des Tunneldurch messers ab Fig 1a oder machen Sie eine Schräge mit einer Länge von 10 15 des Tunneldurchmessers Fig 1c Ist beides nicht möglich sind die Tunnelenden soweit möglich abzurunden Auf der Außenseite zusätzlich zwei Schichten im Bereich Rumpf Tunnel auf einer Fläche von 6 8cm auftrag...

Page 12: ...reinstimmen Getriebege häuse und Propeller wie oben gezeigt einbauen Fig 1 2 Die Löcher mit der Dichtung A markieren Maße überprüfen NB Der Thruster sollte mit dem Bolzenloch als Zentrum plaziert werden Fig 2 3 Da der Abstand zwischen Propeller und Tunnel minimal ist müssen für eine präzise Installation alle Löcher auf der Mittellinie des Tunnels liegen 3 Im Bereich der Motorhalterung darf kein La...

Page 13: låsemutter en 1 Fig 2 NB Kontroller at propellen roterer fritt Fitting propeller EN 1 Push the propeller on to the shaft and turn until the internal spline in the propeller hub aligns with the external spline on the propeller shaft Fig 1 2 Place the washer 2 on the propeller shaft and then tighten the lock nut 1 on the propeller shaft Fig 2 NOTE Ensure the propeller turns freely Fig 1 Fig 2 ...

Page 14: fishing boat only we recommend to protect the propeller by mounting a grid in the tunnel open ing It is important to keep a grid to a minimum and as streamlined for the thrusters waterflow as possible as it will decrease the effect of the thrust er Do not circular profile steel as it will decrease thrust significantly Note Paint the gearhouse and propeller with antifouling made for propellers D...

Page 15: ... må holdes fast ved tiltrekking Fig 2 ø10mm 3 8 på motoren dras til med 15 Nm Electrical installation EN Fig 1 Explanation of electrical table All cable lengths are the total of A B C D E in Fig 1 Battery size is stated as minimum cold crank capacity not Ah Use slow fuse rated to hold stated Amp Draw for min 5 minutes It is important that you use a good cable size and batteries with a high crankin...

Page 16: ...så kutter den dersom signalene er til ulike retninger Ved betjening til samme retning vil det panel med størst stikke pådrag bestemme trusterturtall Ved bruk av Side Power originalutstyr er alle elektriske kontakter klare til å plugges i sammen Hvis kjøreretningen ikke stemmer overens med forventningene må blå og grå ledning på Thruster releet byttes om Monteringsveiledning for panelet følger pane...

Page 17: ...17 SEP30 40 125S2 5467 2 2018 Technical wiring diagram EN N Koblingsskjema ...

Page 18: ...onnected to 3 terminals on PPC is placed cor rectly and properly fixed to avoid mecanical stress on the terminals Checklist EN The thruster has been installed as per the instructions in this manual and all points in checklist above have been controlled Signed Date Extra pre delivery tests by installer yard who does not use other quality control systems Thruster type Voltage Serial number Date of d...

Page 19: is overheating and re engage it when it has cooled down some This should be considered when planning your maneuvering This also means that the thruster will limit its total running time per time period so that you can not count on the thruster to hold you in a current and side wind for extensive time periods Depending on the surrounding temperatures etc the thruster will be able to run approxim...

Page 20: ...e of space limitation in the bow In this case the stern thruster is used in the same way as a single bow thruster or moving the boat s stern How to use a bow and stern thruster combined The combination of a bow and stern thruster offers total manoeuvrability to the boat and the opportunity to move the bow and the stern separately from each other This enables you to move the boat sideways in both d...

Page 21: ...nance EN Retighten the bolts holding the gearhouse to the motor bracket during the first on land service with the specified bolt tightening force see page 13 Keep the propeller and gearhouse clean from growth by painting with antifouling before every season Note The anode sealing and propeller shafts must absolutely not be painted Be careful that you don t fill paint in the tracks in the gearhouse...

Page 22: ...sits correctly on the brus hes in the electromotor Check that the propeller gearhouse and tunnel is free from growth barnacles etc The electromotor runs but there is no thrust The thruster does not start at all or works only in one direction The thruster has an unexpected low performance Problemer og løsninger Før De søker hjelp hos din forhandler kan du foreta noen tester og notere ned resultatet...

Page 23: ...nd of the purchase price Purchaser must submit a statement in writing from a professional boating equipment supplier that the installation instructions of the Installation and Operation Manual have been complied with and that the defect remains e warranty service shall be performed only by the Warrantor or an authorized Service Centre and any attempt to remedy the defect by anyone else shall rende...

Page 24: ...24 SEP30 40 125S2 5467 2 2018 SPARE PARTS In order to present the most up to date documentation we advise you to go to our website www side power com and locate your product to find relevant spare parts ...

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Page 26: ...26 SEP30 40 125S2 5467 2 2018 ...

Page 27: ...27 SEP30 40 125S2 5467 2 2018 ...

Page 28: ...the time it was published However Sleipner Motor AS can not accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain Continuous product improvement may change the product specifications without notice Therefore Sleipner Motor AS can not accept liability for any possi ble differences between product and document www side power com ...
