SEP 40/125 S - SEP 60/185 S
1.0 - 2012
Important user precautions
• Forviss deg om at du kjenner plasseringen av hovedstrømsbryteren
til baugtrusteren og evt. hekktruster, som kutter all strøm til trust-
eren, slik at trusteren kan skrus av i nødstilfelle.
• Før berøring av noen del av trusteren må alltid strømmen skrus av.
En tilfeldig start kan volde stor fysisk skade.
• Skru alltid av kontrollpanelet etter bruk.
• Den maksimale sammenhengende kjøretiden for en elektrisk truster
er ca. 3 min. ved maks. turtall, da vil en føler automatisk skru av
motoren når den når en viss varme. Dette må tas i betraktning når
en manøver planlegges.
• Kjøring med lavere effekt / turtall på trusteren medfører mindre
utviklet varme i trustermotor slik at kjøretiden kan forlenges betrak
telig. PJC panelet har indikering for dette.
• Bruk aldri trusteren når noen er i vannet, trusteren vil trekke gjen
stander til seg og kontakt med propellen vil volde alvorlig skade.
• Kjør aldri trusteren i mer enn 1 sek. når båten er på land. Uten mot
stand fra vannet vil trusteren nå ødeleggende turtall svært fort.
• Hvis trusterne stopper å gi skyvekraft mens motoren er i gang, er
det trolig oppstått problemer i girsystemet. Stopp umiddelbart å kjøre
motoren, og skru den av. Uten motstand fra vannet vil trusteren nå
ødelegende turtall svært fort.
• Når man forlater båten skal alltid hovedstrømsbryteren slås av.
• Vi anbefaler å ha motoren i gang når trusteren kjøres. Da vil bat
terien vedlikeholdes, og det vil være høyere spenning til elektromo-
toren. Høyere spenning gir høyere turtall og bedre ytelse.
• Ytelsen til en baugtruster avhenger av hvilken spenning motoren
mottar under kjøring. Kapasiteten til batterier avtar etter hvert som
de blir eldre, og dermed også ytelsen til trusteren. Ved å installere
nye batterier vil trusteren yte maksimalt igjen.
• Kun ett panel skal brukes av gangen, hvis to paneler brukes motsatt
vei vil trusteren stoppe automatisk. Hvis to paneler opereres samme
vei vil ikke dette skje.
• Hvis trusteren ikke fungerer tilfredsstillende må feilen lokaliseres
og rettes så snart som mulig, For at ikke trusteren skal ta ytterligere
skade, skru av hovestrømsbryteren hvis feilen er av elektrisk art.
Viktige brukerforebehold
• Ensure that you know the location of the main battery switch(es) that
disconnects the thruster(s) from all power sources (batteries) so that
the thruster(s) can be turned off in case of a malfunction.
• Always turn the main power switch off before touching any part of
the thruster, as an incidental start while touching moving parts can
cause serious injuries.
• Always turn the control device off when the thruster is not in use.
• The maximum continues usage time of the electrical thruster is
approximately 3 minutes at full power . The electromotor has a built in
thermal cut-off switch that will shut off the electromotor if it is overheating
and re-engage it when it has cooled down some. This should be
considered when planning your maneuvering.
• Running the thruster at reduced effect results in less heating of the
thrusters, significantly extending the operating time.
Information about thruster runtime is siplayed on the PJC panel
• Never use a thruster close to somebody in the water, as the
thruster will draw objects close by into the tunnel and contact with
the rotating propellers will cause serious injuries.
• With the boat on land, only run the thruster for a fraction of a
second, as without resistance it will accelerate very fast to a
damaging rpm. Also, while the thruster is in air, make sure that the
propellers have come to a complete stop before performing a
directions change of the thruster, as it might cause damage to the
• If the thruster stops giving thrust while the electromotor is running,
chances are that there is a problem in the drive-system. You must
then immediately stop trying to run it, and turn it off, as running the
electromotor for more than a few seconds without resistance from
the propeller, can cause serious damage to the electromotor.
• When leaving the boat always turn off the main power switch for
the thruster.
• We advice to always keep the main engine(s) running while using a
thruster. This will keep the batteries in a good charge condition. This
will also give better performance to the thruster, as a higher voltage
at the thruster results in a higher torque (power) in the electromotor.
• Please note that the performance of a thruster strongly depends on
the voltage available at the electromotor. This voltage will decrease
by time because aging batteries have a reduction of capacity. By
installing new batteries the effect of the thruster should be back at
the original level.
• Make sure that only one control is used at the same time, if two
panels are operated in opposite directions at the same time the
thruster will not run at all. If they are operated in the same direction
the thruster will run with the largest power given by the two panels.
• If the thruster is not performing or functioning as usual, the cause for
this must be found and corrected as soon as possible so to avoid
causing any other or further damage to the equipment. You must
also turn off the main battery switch immediately in case the
problem is of electric origin.
• Never store anything (e.g. equipment, sails, ropes etc.) in the
same compartment as the thruster. When the thruster runs for
a longer period it will get hot and will cause damage.