SICK TiM35x Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 2

T i M 3 5 x / T i M 3 6 x   |   S i C K

8016903/ZP97/2017-07-27 • Subject to change without notice • 









Configuration without PC

Here, the TiM provides two options:


Using one of 16 default field sets, each with 3 predefined 
fields having the same field shape, but different sizes

•  Teach-in of the surrounding contour to automatically gener-

ate the outer field with any shape, including more complex 
shapes, and to deduce the two inner fields.

The field sets are organized by groups into segmented field 
shapes. The shapes can be modified, with the default being a 
rectangle. In the factory setting, the 3 origin-oriented fields of 

a set are nested inside one another.


free shape type


Field 1

Field 2

Field 3



Structure of the fields of a field set and possible field shapes

Dimensions of the respective field 1 and its shape in the 

factory settings, as well as the required wiring of the switching 

inputs for field set selection 


“Field set factory settings 

– switching inputs, page 4”

Preparing for teach-in

In general, the function button and both LEDs on the device 

are used for teach-in.


Remove all objects that will not permanently be in the field 

of view in monitoring mode later on.


Distance yourself sufficiently from the TiM during the 

advance warning phase of the teach-in, so that you are not 

detected as part of the field contour.

Teaching-in the field contour 

The TiM uses field set 1 (segmented, initial shape: rectangle) 
to adjust the field shape and size to the surrounding contour 

that was detected. The switching inputs may not be supplied 
with current during this process. 

The TiM forms the outer field 3 from the surrounding contour 

with a negative offset of 100 mm, and deduces the limits 

of the two inner fields from this, so that field 2 = field 1 plus 
25% and field 3 = field 1 plus 52%. 


The field shape to be formed can be defined by pacing out 
the limits during the teach-in phase. Do not wear black 
clothing during this process!

•  The TiM stores the shortest value measured during the 

teach-in phase as a field limit for each angle.


Note: A parameter upload is required in order to display 
the newly taught-in field contour in SOPAS.



Start the field contour teach-in.

3 seconds 

flashes slowly

The behavior of the two LEDs indicates the progress of the 
field contour teach-in:








Field contour teach-in – Start 

LED flashes slowly (0.5 Hz)

Field contour teach-in – Advance warning 



LED flashes increasingly rapidly within 15 s



Field contour teach-in – Teach-in phase


60 seconds 

Field contour teach-in – Completion of 

advance warning phase


LED flashes increasingly rapidly within 15 s


Automatic return to monitoring mode 

All fields free



Monitoring mode 

In the event of field infringement


 = illuminated, 

 = flashing

The TiM stores the new field set 1 permanently.


Configuration with PC

The SOPAS configuration software is used by default to adjust 
the 3 fields of a field set and other TiM parameters to the ap


plication and to perform diagnostics in the event of an error.  

If the field shape of the field set 1 has been taught in without 

a PC using the function button, SOPAS is generally used to 

continue the configuration. 


This includes setting the field shapes/sizes and any other 
non-teachable field sets based on the default setting, the 
response time of the fields, the blanking size, and the holding 
time of the assigned switching outputs OUT 1 ... OUT 3. 


The blanking size is the smallest size from which an object 

can be detected in a field by the TiM and lead to a field 

infringement. All objects that are smaller than the minimum 

size are blanked out. Like the response time and the holding 
time, the blanking size applies to all field sets and their fields. 

Installing and launching the SOPAS configuration software


Download and install on the PC the software from the 

website "

“. In this case, select 

the "Complete" option as suggested by the install wizard. 
Administrator rights may be required on the PC to install 
the software.

2.  Start the "Single Device" program option after completing 

the installation. 

Path: Start > Programs > SICK > SOPAS Engineering Tool > 
SOPAS (Single Device).


SOPAS will automatically install the necessary USB driver 
the first time it detects a connected TiM. It may then be 

necessary to restart the PC. 


Establish a connection between SOPAS and TiM via the 

wizard which opens automatically. Select the TiM from the 
list of available devices.

SOPAS program window (single device)

Field monitor display window

•  In the 





 window, SOPAS displays the field 

contour (scan line) currently seen by the device through 

ambient reflection in blue. If the 4 switching inputs are 

not supplied with current, SOPAS also displays the three 

evaluation fields (segmented rectangles) for the field set 
1 according to the TiM's default setting, or the field shape 

generated using the teach-in function along with its dimen-
sions, the status of the switching inputs/outputs, and the 
position of the mouse pointer.


SOPAS displays the fields as green if no field infringement 

is present. If objects of a certain size (


“Default set-

tings TiM, page 3”

) are located for a certain duration 

in the part of the visual range that is covered by fields, 
the TiM will recognize this as a field infringement. SOPAS 
displays this separately in yellow for the individual fields. 



Try changing the orientation of the TiM in the room and ob-

serve the effects this has on detection in the field monitor.  


Click the 



 button to cause SOPAS to reset the switch-

ing output counters.

Continuing the configuration process

Field editor display window

The user can change parameters in the right part of the pro-
gram window under 



 & d




. SOPAS immedi-

ately transfers these changes to the TiM (default setting).  

However, evaluation fields that have been changed in size and 

shape must always be manually transferred to the TiM using 

 button. All changed parameters are only temporarily 

stored in the device for the time being and are not stored in 
the computer at all. 

In order to optimize the dimensions of the monitoring fields: 

1.  Click the 





 tab at the top of the program 


2.  Under 






on the right side of the window, 

select, for example, field set 1.


Select the field to be configured.



You can optionally perform the following actions: 

Shifting field positions

1.  Click the 


2.  Click on the green marking rectangle of the desired field 

position in the outer field. 


The color of the marking rectangle changes to blue.

3.  Re-click the rectangle and drag it to the desired position, 

then release the pushbutton. SOPAS controls the available 
positioning area during shifting.

Inserting additional field positions

1.  Click the 


2.  Click on the desired position on the limits of the outer field. 

SOPAS inserts a new, green marking rectangle. This can 
now also be shifted as already described. 

Deleting field positions

1.  Click the 


2.  Click on the green marking rectangle of the field position to 

be deleted in the outer field.


The color of the marking rectangle changes to red.

3.  Re-click the marking rectangle. 
