Distance range
The “Distance range” function can be used to define an evaluation range in which the
device measures object distances. All surrounding ranges are blanked. A typical appli‐
cation is the blanking of a transparent protective screen fitted between the object and
the device.
During configuration, please note that the application must take into account a toler‐
ance range of 15 mm outside the set limits of the distance range. Reliable blanking
and detection of objects cannot be guaranteed within this tolerance range.
Max. measuring range
Distance range
Near limit
Far limit
15 mm
Tolerance window
15 mm
Tolerance window
Reliable detection
Reliable blanking
Measuring object
Figure 10: Blanking of a transparent protective screen by establishing the near limit and far limit
of the distance range, taking into account the tolerance ranges
Near limit / Far limit
The near limit / far limit values are the distances in mm which define the limits of the
evaluation range.
As there are limited discretization steps, the device transfers the limit values entered to
the next possible distance values (mm). The recalculated value is adopted by the device
and is also shown on the display.
Simple configuration of the distance range is also possible via the SOPAS_ET software,
see "Operation via SOPAS ET", page 56
Application settings
Distance range
Near limit
Application settings
Distance range
Far limit
The near limit and far limit parameters are device-dependent and are set to the physi‐
cal limit in the factory settings. The functionality and linear behavior are available in the
valid measuring range of 200 to 1,000 mm.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | OD1000
8019642/ZJW1/2017-04-03 | SICK
Subject to change without notice