Configuration of pin 2 as input
Pin 2 can be configured as an external trigger input by writing value 80 in Index 121 to
select this function (in addition, the trigger via pin 2 must be selected by writing value
2 in Index 4474, Subindex 1). As input for the Smart Task functions (
), pin 2 can be configured by writing value 1 to Index 121.
Pin 2 as digital output for a parameter
The Multi Physics Box has no switching points that could be output via the digital
outputs. Instead, it is possible to output all alarms from the process data, also via the
digital outputs. Specifically, the direct or group alarms can be output that are mapped
to bit 6 (diagnostic alarm 1) and bit 7 (diagnostic alarm 2) of the process data (
"Process data structure", page 49
). An example output of the maximum temperature
alarm via pin 2 can thus be configured as follows:
The maximum temperature alarm must be parameterized by writing value 44 in
Index 67, Subindex 7. Now the alarm is output via bit 6 (diagnostic alarm 1) of the
process data.
So that pin 2 issues this alarm, the Diagnostic alarm 1 function must be parame‐
terized in Index 121 for pin 2. This is done by writing the value 44.
The same operation can be performed via bit 7 and the associated diagnostic alarm 2.
Pin 2 as digital output for several parameters
Bit 6 (diagnostic alarm 1) and bit 7 (diagnostic alarm 2) of the process data must first
be assigned to the corresponding direct or group alarms via Index 67. Then pin 2 can
be parameterized as a switching signal for QL2 via Index 121. The dependency between
the alarms defined in bit 6 and 7 must then be configured via the A00 function (
"Smart Task basic logic (A00)", page 45
As an example, pin 2 is configured so that a switching signal is output when two alarms
occur (individually or together):
The desired alarms must be parameterized via Index 67, Subindex 7 and 8. Then
the alarms are output via bit 6 (diagnostic alarm 1) and bit 7 (diagnostic alarm 2).
In order for pin 2 to output this alarm, the Switching signal QL2 function must be
parameterized via Index 121. This is done by writing the value 44.
The Diagnostic alarm 1 and Diagnostic alarm 2 options must be selected for
1 and
2 of the A00 logic via Index 1081 and 1082.
By linking both inputs with a logical “or” via Index 1084, pin 2 switches when bit 6
and/or bit 7 issues an alarm.
Other functions can be implemented via the A00 function.
Pin 4 as digital output
If the sensor is not used in IO-Link communication, pin 4 can also be used as a digital
output. It then outputs the QL1 output signal of the A00 logic. As shown in
logic 1 then acts as input function for QL1 and thus pin 4.
Smart Task basic logic (A00)
The Smart Task basic logic allows logical functions to be applied to the diagnostic
alarms (
) and external input signals. Signals can be logically linked, delayed
and inverted. It is also possible to pass input signals through the logic unchanged, e.g.
for output via pin 2 / pin 4.
Logical principle of operation:
8028041/2022-08-16 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | MPB10
Subject to change without notice