Flow Rate (Suction Flow Rate Warning)
When the 5-minute average value of the
suction flow rate has exceeded
5 % of
the preset flow rate, the date/time that the
warning was generated is displayed
appended with a number.
displayed when there are more warnings
that cannot fit on one screen. The
example on the right shows that there are more warnings from the 6th warning onwards.
Sample Time (Sampling Time Warning)
When the sampling time has exceeded
1 hour of the preset time, the sampling
time is displayed after sampling is
Power Failure (Power Failure Warning)
When a power failure occurs during
sampling, the date/time that the warning
was generated is displayed appended
with a number.
The example on the right shows that the
power failure occurred at 12:21 and that
it was recovered at 12:22.
2 Current Data (Current Value)
When "2. Current Data" is selected in the main menu, the following sub-menu is displayed.
Select the menu in the same way as for the main menu. Press the [MENU/ESCAPE] key
several times according to the screen display until the display returns to the main screen.
Current Data Menu Display
Display Description
1 Ambient BP.
Displays the ambient pressure.
2 Ambient Temp.
Displays the ambient temperature.
3 Filter Temp.
Displays the filter temperature.
4 Filter dT
Difference between the ambient temperature and the filter temperature.
Ambient BP. (Ambient Pressure)
When "1 Ambient BP." is selected and the [ENTER] key is pressed, the current ambient
pressure is displayed.
Ambient Temp. (Ambient Temperature)
When "2 Ambient Temp." is selected and the [ENTER] key is pressed, the current
ambient temperature is displayed.
Filter Temp. (Filter Temperature)
When "
3 Filter Temp.
" is selected and the [ENTER] key is pressed, the current filter
temperature is displayed.
Filter dT (Filter Temperature Difference)
When "4 Filter dT" is selected and the [ENTER] key is pressed, the current difference between
the ambient temperature and the filter temperature is displayed.
(Filter dT) = (Filter Temp.) - (Ambient Temp.)
L a s t
D a t a
P o w e r
F a i l u r e
W a r n i n g
0 2 / 0 1 / 2 0
1 2 : 2 1
0 2 / 0 1 / 2 0
1 2 : 2 2
L a s t
D a t a
S a m p l e
T i m e
W a r n i n g
> + / - 1
2 2 . 5 9
h r s
m i n
L a s t
D a t a
F l o w
R a t e
W a r n i n g
> + / - 5 %
0 2 / 0 1 / 2 0
1 2 : 2 1
0 2 / 0 1 / 2 0
1 2 : 2 2
0 2 / 0 1 / 2 0
1 2 : 2 3
0 2 / 0 1 / 2 0
1 2 : 2 4
0 2 / 0 1 / 2 0
1 2 : 2 5