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First/Second/Third Boot Device
The BIOS attempts to load the operating system from the devices in the
sequence selected in these items.
The Choice: Floppy, LS120, HDD-0, SCSI, CDROM, HDD-1,
HDD-2, HDD-3, ZIP100, USB-FDD, USB-ZIP, LAN, or Disabled.
Boot Other Device
Select Your Boot Device Priority.
The choice: Enabled or Disabled.
Boot Up NumLock Status
Selects power on state for NumLock.
The choice: Off or On.
Gate A20 Option
This entry allows you to select how the gate A20 is handled. The gate
A20 is a device used to address memory above 1 MByte. Initially, the
gate A20 was handled via a pin on the keyboard. Today, while key-
boards still provide this support, it is more common, and much faster,
set to Fast for the system chipset to provide support for gate A20.
The choice: Normal or Fast.
Typematic Rate Setting
Key strokes repeat at a rate determined by the keyboard controller.
When enabled, the typematic rate and typematic delay can be selected.
The choice: Enabled or Disabled.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
This item sets how many times the key stroke will be repented in a
second when you hold the key down.
The choice: 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, or 30.
Typematic Delay (Msec)
Sets the delay time after the key is held down before it begins to repeat
the keystroke.
The choice: 250, 500, 750, or 1000.